Extensive new data on the even-parity autoionization Rydberg series of neutral-tin have been observed and identified by using two-photon resonant ionization laser spectroscopy and time-of-flight detection method.Observed autoionization Rydberg series are 5pnp(3/2,1/2)_(1,2),5pnp(3/2,3/2)_(1,2,3),5pnf3/2[5/2]_(2,3),5pnp3/2[7/2]_(3,4),and 5pnf3/2[3/2]_(1,2).The second ionization limit I2 is obtained by fitting experimental data with the Rydberg formula.It is 63483.90±1.35cm^(-1).
Supported by Fok Ying Tong Education Foundation
State Education Commission Special Fou ndation for Doctor Bases,P.R.China.