

Mechanism of Interfacial Reactive Wetting of Ag-Cu Brazing Filler Metal on SDC-SSAF Dual-phase Oxygen-permeable Membrane Ceramic
摘要 对空气中Ag-Cu合金钎料与Ce_(0.85)Sm_(0.15)O_(1.925)-Sm_(0.6)Sr_(0.4)Al_(0.3)Fe_(0.7O3)(SDC-SSAF)双相陶瓷透氧膜的润湿性和界面反应进行了研究,利用扫描电子显微镜及能谱仪(SEM-EDS)表征分析了润湿试样的连接界面。结果表明:980℃下Ag-Cu合金钎料在SDC-SSAF双相透氧膜上的润湿角随着合金中Cu含量的增加而减小。高温润湿过程中,双相膜中Ce_(0.85)Sm_(0.15)O_(1.925)(SDC)相没有发生明显变化,Sm_(0.6)Sr_(0.4)Al_(0.3)Fe_(0.7O3)(SSAF)相分解并与Ag-Cu钎料发生微量元素置换。这种界面反应促进了钎料与陶瓷基体润湿性的改善。但由于SDC相与SSAF相润湿性的差异,Ag-Cu钎料与SDC-SSAF双相膜的润湿性不及相同Cu含量的Ag-Cu钎料与SDC单相膜的润湿性。 Wettability and interfacial reaction of Ag-Cu brazing filler metal and Ce_(0.85)Sm_(0.15)-O_(1.925)-Sm_(0.6)Sr_(0.4)Al_(0.3)Fe_(0.7)O_(3)(SDC-SSAF)dual-phase ceramic membranes in air were studied,and joint interface of the wetted samples was characterized by scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer(SEM-EDS).The results showed that the contact angle between Ag-Cu brazing filler metal and SDC-SSAF membrane at 980℃ decreased with the increase in Cu content.During the high-temperature wetting process,the Ce_(0.85)Sm_(0.15)O_(1.925)(SDC)phase did not change obviously,while the Sm_(0.6)Sr_(0.4)Al_(0.3)Fe_(0.7)O_(3)(SSAF)phase decomposed and generated replacement of trace element with Ag-Cu brazing filler metal.This interfacial reaction improved the wettability between brazing filler metal and SDC-SSAF dual-phase membrane.However,due to the difference of wettability between SDC phase and SSAF phase,SDC-SSAF membrane was inferior to SDC phase with the same Cu content in the wettability.
作者 李岚茜 章超 吕金金 张玉文 鲁雄刚 LI Lanqian;ZHANG Chao;LYU Jinjin;ZHANG Yuwen;LU Xionggang(State Ley Laboratory of Advanced Special Steel,Shanghai 200444,China;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced Ferrometallurgy,Shanghai 200444,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
出处 《上海金属》 CAS 2021年第4期19-26,33,共9页 Shanghai Metals
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会-中国宝武钢铁集团有限公司钢铁联合研究基金(No.U1860108)。
关键词 SDC-SSAF双相透氧膜 AG-CU合金 润湿性 界面反应 SDC-SSAF dual-phase oxygen-permeable membrane Ag-Cu alloy wettability interfacial reaction
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