
泡型肝包虫病的外科治疗现状 被引量:7

Current status of the surgical treatment of hepatic alveolar echinococcosis
摘要 泡型肝包虫病(HAE)是由多房棘球蚴绦虫引起的一种人畜共患性疾病。目前其治疗方式主要以根治性手术切除为主,药物治疗为辅。介绍了根治性手术切除、消融技术及姑息性手术等在HAE治疗中的应用现状;总结了自体肝移植的主要适应证,为选择治疗HAE的策略提供了一定的经验和参考依据。 Hepatic alveolar echinococcosis(HAE)is a zoonotic disease caused by Echinococcus multilocularis.At present,the treatment of HAE is mainly based on radical surgical resection,assisted by drug therapy.This article introduces the current status of the application of radical surgical resection,ablation techniques,and palliative surgery in the treatment of HAE and summarizes the main indications for autologous liver transplantation,so as to provide certain experience and reference for selecting the treatment strategies for HAE.
作者 邓旭 阳丹才让 张灵强 王志鑫 王晶晶 王凯强 黄汉生 杨小周 DENG Xu;YANG Dancairang;ZHANG Lingqiang;WANG Zhixin;WANG Jingjing;WANG Kaiqiang;HUANG Hansheng;YANG Xiaozhou(Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery,The Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University,Xining 810000,China;The Research Key Laboratory for Echinococcosis of Qinghai Province,The Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University,Xining 810000,China)
出处 《临床肝胆病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第8期1963-1965,共3页 Journal of Clinical Hepatology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0909900) 青海省科技厅项目(2020-ZJ-Y01)。
关键词 棘球蚴病 外科手术 治疗学 Echinococcosis,Hepatic Surgical Procedures,Operative Therapeutics
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