Failure wave generations on both impacted surface and internal surface inside the sample have been observed for K9 glass under planar shock wave loading,which demonstrates that formation of failure wave is a process related to the surface microcracks nuclei developing.Based on these observations,a hypothesis is suggested that the large local strains resulting from the rearrangement of SiO4 tetrahedral within the permanent densification region behind the shock wave front and then strains releasing due to the surface microcracks developing could be responsible for the failure wave generation.
HE Hong-liang
JIN Xiao-gang
JING Fu-qian
贺红亮;金孝刚;经福谦;G.I.Kanel(Laboratory for Shock Wave and Detonation Physics Research,Southwest Institute of Fluid Physics,Chengdu 610003;Institute for High Temperatures,Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow 127412,Russia Federation)
Supported by the Science Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics,Contract No.9401001.