
叙事、记忆与认同:历史教育的时代要求与实践逻辑 被引量:1

Narrative,Memory and Identity:The Time Requirements and Practical Logic of History Education
摘要 历史叙事是集体记忆建构的重要方式,历史叙事总是表现为带有叙事者自身立场的“解释”。集体记忆是一个共同体历史与现实不可割裂的纽带,共同体的历史就是集体记忆以及这种记忆价值的认同、保存和传承的结果。集体记忆建构共同的历史、形成共同的文化和价值观,塑造国家认同。高度的国家认同感有助于增强凝聚力,使国家的政治经济活动平稳有序、社会生活和谐稳定,也使民众对国家的未来充满信心。作为主控的、选择的和解释的历史叙事,历史课程是历史教育的重要形式,是实现国家认同的重要途径,也是历史教育应有的实践本质。我们要理直气壮地开展符合时代要求的历史教育,熔铸中华民族共同体意识。 Historical narration is an important way of constructing collective memory.Historical narration is always expressed as“explanation”in narrator's own position.Collective memory is an inseparable link between the history and reality of a community.The history of a community is the result of collective memory and the identification,preservation and inheritance of the value of this memory.Collective memory constructs a common history,forms a common culture and values,and shapes national identity.A sense of national identity helps strengthen cohesion,so that the country's political and economic activities are stable and orderly,social life is harmonious and stable,and the people are full of confidence in the future of the country.As a dominant,selective and interpretative historical narrative,history courses are an important form of history education and an important way to realize national identity.We should confidently carry out history education in line with the requirements of the times and forge a sense of community of the Chinese nation.
作者 陈华 CHEN Hua(School of Marxism,Guangdong University of Education,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510303,P.R.China)
出处 《广东第二师范学院学报》 2021年第4期12-19,共8页 Journal of Guangdong University of Education
基金 广东省高校思想政治教育课题“自媒体时代掌握舆论话语权与增强高校思政教育实效性研究”(2019GXSZ044)。
关键词 历史叙事 集体记忆 国家认同 历史教育 historical narrative collective memory national identity history education
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  • 3Maurice Halbwachs, Les cadres sociaux de la memoire, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1925,.
  • 4Marc Bloch, Memoire collective, tradition et coutume: A propos d'un livre recent, Revue de synthese historique, t. XL, 1925.
  • 5Maurice Halbwachs, La memoire collective, Paris, PUF, 1950.
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