
《连建伟中医传薪录》治学方法及学术特色探析 被引量:1

Analyzing the Methods of Learning and Academic Characteristics of“TCM Clinical Experience Collection by LIAN Jianwei”
摘要 [目的]探讨《连建伟中医传薪录》体现的治学方法及学术特色。[方法]认真研读全书证治集要、方剂治验、医话选录、中医文化等篇章,撷取其中典型的医话、医论、医案加以分析研究,总结连建伟教授的治学方法、学术经验及临证特色。[结果]连建伟教授行医五十余载,积累了独到且深刻的治学心得、学术思想及临证经验。连教授治学严谨,其治学方法包括:博古通今,熟谙经典;勤求精思,刻苦钻研;随师侍诊,学以致用;勤于积累,善于总结;善心善行,业进德进。学术上“继承不泥古,创新不离宗”,主要学术特色有:问道岐黄,深研医理;脏腑辨证,注重整体;博采众长,推陈出新;重视和法,善调肝脾。临证四诊合参,详于辨证,理法方药一以贯之,临证特色体现为:精于脉理,以脉测证;辨证立法,依法立方;尊经重方,圆机活法;用药精妙,以平为期等方面。[结论]连建伟教授学验俱丰,从医之路治学严谨,医道深厚,临证细致。其半个世纪追求的治学与临证之道可昭示后学,值得学习借鉴。 [Objective]To analyze the methods of learning and academic characteristics of“Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Experience Collection by LIAN Jianwei”.[Methods]Through intensive reading the chapters of the whole book,such as the key points of syndrome treatment,the experience of prescriptions,the selection of medical words,the culture of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and so on,the typical medical words,medical theories and medical records were analyzed carefully and the methods of learning,academic experience and clinical features of Professor LIAN Jianwei were summarized.[Results]Professor LIAN has been practicing TCM for more than 50 years who has accumulated unique and profound learning perception,academic thoughts and clinical experience.The main learning methods are as follows:He is knowledgeable and familiar with classics;he is diligent in refinement and study;he follows his teacher to apply his knowledge;he is diligent in accumulation and is good at summing up;he is kind-hearted and good at doing,and makes progress in career and morality.Professor LIAN inherits the tradition but not rigidly,while innovation is inseparable from classics.The main academic characteristics are as follows:He asks the way for Qihuang,researches deeply in medical science;he pays more attention to the differentiation of viscera and focuses on the whole;he learns from others'strong points and brings forth the new;pays attention to the harmony method and is good at regulating the liver and spleen.Professor LIAN combines four diagnostics,detailed in syndrome differentiation and principle-methodrecipe-medicines which are consistent in clinical practice.The clinical features include:He is proficient in pulse theory and measure syndrome by pulse;he makes principles according to syndrome differentiation and makes prescription according to the principles;he respects the classical prescriptions,and grasps the mechanism and applies the method flexibly;he uses drugs skillfully and concerns the balance.[Conclusion]Professor LIAN Jianwei has abundant experience in learning and experience.He has a rigorous way of medical research,profound medical ethics and meticulous clinical practice.His pursuit of scholarship and clinical practice for half a century can make known to the later scholars,which is worth learning.
作者 郑渝宁 ZHENG Yuning(The First School of Clinical Medicine of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,Hangzhou(310053),China)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2021年第7期748-751,757,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
关键词 连建伟 名老中医 治学方法 学术经验 临证特色 验案 中医传承 LIAN Jianwei traditional Chinese medical expert methods of learning academic characteristics clinical features medical case inheritance of TCM
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