

Exploration on Participatory Design of Urban Community Environment,In the Aim of Raising Public Awareness on Green Development
摘要 公民的生态意识直接影响城市生态保护的普及速度与实施力度,影响环境政策、法规、技术措施的落实力度。在我国公众生态意识尚未成熟时提升公众环境素养是生态文明建设的必须环节。文章将公众参与绿色环境行动作为推进生态意识日常化与平民化的重要手段,且基于对国外城市社区公众参与绿色环境设计的系列互动案例的分析,探索提高公众绿色生态理念的可能途径,为制定适用于我国社区绿色发展方向的生态启示型环境设计策略提供参考。 Public Eco-consciousness has an immediate effect on popularization rate and implementation degree of Urban Ecology Protection Actions.As Chinese citizens’Eco-consciousness is still immature,to arouse and to improve Environmental Literacy has become a must for meaningful Eco-civilization.The article takes public engagement into green environmental initiatives as main approach to boost normalization and civilianization of Ecoconsciousness.Based on case study of series of international urban communities interactively taking initiative into green environment construction,it explores possible approaches to promoting public Eco-consciousness,with the purpose to provide instructive examples for formulating eco-revelatory environmental design strategies that fits into Chinese urban community’s developing direction towards GREEN Environment.
作者 姚雪艳 Yao Xueyan(College of Design and Innovation,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804,China)
出处 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2021年第7期62-65,共4页 Art and Design
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题——以普及绿色发展理念为导向的上海城市社区生态环境公共营造策略研究(No.2016BCK001)。
关键词 社区环境 公共营造 绿色发展 community environment participatory design Green Development
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