
叫好可以叫座吗?网络直播购物情境下平台及主播声誉对消费者参与意愿的影响研究 被引量:4

Can You Sell a Good Ticket?Research on the Influence of Platform and Streamers’Reputation on Consumers’ParticipationWillingness--Based on the Background of Live-Stream Shopping
摘要 主播利用网络平台进行直播带货是近年来网络自媒体时代兴起的一种新型营销手段。本研究以信息解释反应(I-I-R)理论和声誉分享机制为基础,构建了直播背景下卖方声誉影响消费者参与意愿的理论框架,通过将卖方声誉细分为直播购物平台声誉和带货主播声誉,验证了影响消费者参与直播意愿的心理机制。结果表明:带货主播声誉通过声誉分享机制对直播购物平台声誉产生正向影响;带货主播声誉和直播购物平台声誉均对消费者参与意愿产生正向影响;带货主播声誉和直播购物平台声誉均对消费者感知风险产生负向作用;感知风险对参与意愿有显著负向作用,且感知风险在带货主播声誉和直播购物平台声誉与消费者参与意愿关系中均起到部分中介作用;个体创新性在感知风险和消费者参与意愿间起到负向调节作用。当前直播购物营销模式正处于快速发展阶段,卖方还需要加强自身声誉能力建设,利用良好口碑降低消费者对交易的感知风险,激发消费者参与意愿,并最终影响消费者的持续购买意愿。 Recently,a new marketing means by which the streamer uses the network platform to do live stream sales has emerged in the era of network“We Media”.information-interpretation-response(I-I-R)theory and reputation sharing mechanism,this study constructs a theoretical framework of the influence of streamer’s reputation on consumers’willingness to participate in live stream.By subdividing the sellers’reputation into the reputation of live-stream shopping platform and the reputation of streamers,this study verifies the psychological mechanism of influencing consumers’willingness to participate in live stream.The empirical re⁃sults show that:(1)the reputation of the streamer with goods has a positive impact on the reputation of the live-stream shopping plat⁃form through the reputation sharing mechanism;(2)the reputation of the streamer and the reputation of the live-stream shopping platform have a positive impact on consumers’willingness to participate;(3)the reputation of the streamers and the reputation of the live shopping platform have a negative effect on consumers’perceived risk;(4)the perceived risk has a significant negative ef⁃fect on the willingness to participate and it plays a partial mediating role in the relationship of the streamers’reputation and the reputation of the live-stream shopping platform and the consumers’willingness to participate;(4)individual innovation plays a neg⁃ative moderating role between perceived risk and consumers’willingness to participate.From the perspective of perceived risk,this study provides a new perspective to explore the mechanism of the reputation of different seller service providers on consumers'will⁃ingness to participate.At present,with the rapid development of the live-stream shopping marketing model,streamers need to strengthen its reputation ability,reduce consumers’perceived risk of transaction by using good reputation,and stimulate consum⁃ers’willingness to participate,and ultimately affect consumers’continuous purchase intention.
作者 崔登峰 袁振朋 Cui Dengfeng;Yuan Zhenpeng(School ofEconomicsandManagement,ShiheziUniversity,Shihezi 832000,China)
出处 《新疆农垦经济》 2021年第6期82-92,共11页 Xinjiang State Farms Economy
基金 兵团社会科学基金重点项目(项目编号:19ZD02)。
关键词 直播购物 卖方声誉 感知风险 参与意愿 个体创新性 live-stream shopping seller’s reputation perceived risk participation willingness individual innovation
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