We report the first application of a single-shot cross-correlator for pulse duration and pulse contrast diagnostics in Nd:glass petawatt laser.The information of pulse duration,measured in the single-shot,guides the fine adjustment of the pulse compressor in real time.By integrating several shots of measurements at different time delays together,the petawatt pulse profile is obtained within an overall temporal window of~100 ps,indicating a contrast of~10^(4).The measurements suggest that the additional contrast improvement is necessary for the Nd:glass petawatt laser system,which should be different from conventional Ti:sapphire lasers and is also discussed.
WANG Yong-Zhi
OUYANG Xiao-Ping
MA Jin-Gui
XU Guang
QIAN Lie-Jia
王永志;欧阳小平;马金贵;袁鹏;徐光;钱列加(Department of Optical Science and Engineering,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433;Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Jiading District,Shanghai 201800;Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas and Physics Department,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240)
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 61008017 and 11121504.