The large current effect of silicon germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors fabricated on thin silicon-on-insulator is included in the model.As the current is two-dimensional,the injection for large current is vertical plus horizontal and is quite different from that of the bulk device.Critical parameters modeling the large current,such as the collector injection width,the hole density and the corresponding potential in the injection region,are discussed,and the influence to the transit time is also analyzed.
XU Xiao-Bo
YANG Yin-Tang
LI Yue-Jin
徐小波;张滨;杨银堂;李跃进(School of Electronic and Control Engineering,Road Traffic Detection and Equipment Engineering Research Center,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710064;Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices,School of Microelectronics,Xidian University,Xi'an 710071)
Supported by the Pre-research Foundation from the National Ministries and Commissions of China(Nos 51308030201 and 9140A080509DZ0106).