
CDIO理念下的工程实践类课程教学探讨 被引量:4

Teaching Exploration on the Engineering Practice Courses under the Concept of CDIO
摘要 CDIO是国际上著名的工程教育模式。文中介绍了CDIO工程教育模式的标准、教学大纲、教育理念及教学要求;分析了在CDIO理念下工程实践类课程的特点及要求;从一体化教学与学习出发,对标CDIO标准及教学大纲的要求,分析了工程实践类课程教学中存在的问题;从CDIO理念出发结合教学实际,介绍和提出了改进当前工程实践类课程的一些方法以及在推动CDIO工程教育模式实践类教学中可能出现的一些问题。 CDIO is an internationally famous engineering education model.The standards,syllabus,educational philosophy and teaching requirements of CDIO engineering education model are introduced.Under the CDIO philosophy,the characteristics and requirements of engineering practice courses are analyzed.Starting from the integration of teaching and learning,according to the requirements of CDIO standards and syllabus,the problems existing in the teaching of engineering practice courses are analyzed.Starting from the CDIO concept and combining teaching practice,some methods to improve the current engineering practice courses and some problems that may arise in the promotion of CDIO engineering education mode practice teaching are introduced and raised.
作者 张根凤 ZHANG Genfeng
机构地区 西藏民族大学
出处 《科教文汇》 2021年第23期79-81,共3页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 西藏自治区高等教育教学改革研究项目(JG2019-3) 西藏民族大学教学改革与研究项目(2018376)。
关键词 工程实践类课程 CDIO 工程教育模式 探讨 engineering practice courses CDIO engineering education model exploration
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