We use the excellent sediment recovery of International Ocean Discovery Program(IODP)Exp.363,in the Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP)to assess down-core variations in the abundance of warm versus cool benthic foraminiferal species through a warm benthic foraminifers(WBF)curve.The total percentage of the“warm”shallower species group(Laticarinina pauperata,Cibicidoides kullenbergi,C.robertsonianus,Cibicidoides sp.,Hoeglundina elegans,and Bulimina aculeata)and of the“cool”species group from deep waters(Pyrgo murrhina,Planulina wuellerstorfi,Uvigerina peregrina,and Globobulimina hoeglundi,Hopkinsina pacifica)at all sites is used to assess paleo temporal and spatial variations in preservation and marine temperature.Our study sites span water depths ranging from 875 m to 3421 m and our results indicate that well-preserved living and fossil foraminifera characterize mudline and core sediments at all water depths attesting the wide environmental tolerance of these species to temperature and pressure.Using magneto-and biostratigraphy datum,these sediments are of Oligocene age.Our low-resolution study showed that with the exception of core 1486B which the linear tendency of warmer species is toward cool sediments in old times,all of them show that older sediments indicate warmer periods than today,which is expected from Miocene to Recent.Our results provide evidence for the preservation potential of deeply buried sediments,which has implications on climate reconstructions based on the population dynamics of calcareous benthic foraminifera.
We are thankful for the Project Geohazards and Tectonics(CAPES Grant 88887.091714/2014-01,IODP Program)
Research was also supported by IODP/CAPES Brazil fellowship granted to PE to go aboard the Research Vessel Joides Resolution in 2016.This research would not have been conduct without funding from Ciências do Mar II(CAPES Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior)through the Project Processos oceanográficos na quebra da plataforma continental do nordeste brasileiro:fundamentos científicos para o planejamento espacial marinho(n°43/2013,23038.004320/2014-11)through for the Post-Doc Fellowship for Eichler at the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories of the San Jose State University(MLML/SJSU)
at the Ocean Sciences Department of the University of California at Santa Cruz(UCSC)(grants Nº88887.305531/2018-00,Nº88881.188496/2018-01)
We are also grateful for the International Ocean Discovery Program(IODP)in the Texas A&M University(USA)(Grant Nº9999.000098/2017-05)and to the Technical Support to Strengthen National Palaeontology(Apoio Técnico para Fortalecimento da Paleontologia Nacional,Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia MCTI/National Research Council CNPq Nº23/2011,Nº552976/2011-3)for funding opportunity.We are grateful for the EcoLogicProject for the manuscript detailed editing.