
中国西部创新增长极选择与培育研究 被引量:10

A research on the selection and cultivation of innovative growth poles in Western China
摘要 面向西部地区高质量发展的新要求,如何让有限的科技资源达到最佳配置,破解创新发展瓶颈,是西部地区亟待解决的问题。根据区域经济发展规律,挖掘潜在增长极,培育新兴增长极将是实现西部区域发展的有效途径。基于上述认识,本文通过复相关系数法与引力模型对西部地区各城市创新集聚与扩散的综合实力进行了测算,提出了现阶段中国西部增长极的主体结构。在此基础上结合西部整体布局及重大经济战略,筛选出成熟型、成长型、发育型、潜在型四类创新增长极,针对不同增长极的结构特征,提出了各层级的培育路径。 2020 is the 20th Anniversary for implementation of the western development strategies.In the past 20 years,the actual GDP of the western region has increased by 10 times compared with that in 2000,achieving economic growth faster than that of the east and the central region,and made breakthrough progress.In May 2020,the Central Committee and the State Council of the CPC put forward new requirements for high-quality development in the western region from the overall situation.In the important period of China's rapid economic growth turning to high-quality development,innovation has become the first driving force leading high-quality development,and innovation is needed to achieve the goal of high-quality development.Innovation requires a lot of investment in innovation and entrepreneurship factors such as talent,capital and technology.However,the gap between the innovation ability of the west and the eastern region is still significant.There are many problems in the western region of China,such as lack of science and technology resources,weak innovation ability,insufficient development imbalance,and so on.It is still facing great challenges to realize innovation driven development.Therefore,how to allocate best the limited scientific and technological resources and solve the bottleneck of innovation and development is an urgent problem in the western region.The research of innovation which is made in this paper based on the growth pole theory provides beneficial reference and enlightenment for the formulation of regional innovation strategic planning in underdeveloped areas of China.The use of innovation tools can not only promote the integration and utilization of limited scientific and technological resources in underdeveloped areas,but also strengthen the flow of various elements among regions,and fully tap the innovation potential of underdeveloped areas on the basis of maximizing the effectiveness of resource allocation.Based on the above understanding,this paper believes that for the improvement of innovation ability in underdeveloped areas,we should formulate regional development strategies,pay attention to regional comprehensive development,take cities as an element,integrate into the overall regional planning,form a complete multi-level growth pole system,and coordinate the development of western regions.Therefore,this paper calculates the comprehensive strength of innovation agglomeration and diffusion of cities in the western region by using the method of complex correlation coefficient and gravity model,divides 95 cities in the western region into four types by using the natural fracture method of ArcGIS software,and puts forward the main structure of the growth pole of Western China at the present stage.On this basis,combined with the overall layout of the western region and major economic strategies,four types of innovative growth poles are selected,which are mature,growth,development and potential.According to the structural characteristics of different growth poles,all levels of growth poles are integrated into innovation centers with different functions,focusing on cultivating all kinds of growth poles.Finally,some suggestions are put forward from the aspects of innovation elements,innovation platforms and innovation policies so as to stimulate the innovation vitality of the whole western region,improve the innovation ability of the western region,and provide beneficial support for the realization of high-quality economic development of the western region.
作者 张治河 金云鹤 郭晓红 孙丽杰 邢婉冰 Zhang Zhihe;Jin Yunhe;Guo Xiaohong;Sun Lijie;Xing Wanbing(School of International Business,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119,Shaanxi,China;Shandong Foreign Science and Technology Exchange Center,Qingdao 250014,Shandong,China;China Association for International Science and Technology Cooperation,Beijing 100038,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期1-10,共10页 Science Research Management
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目:“健全技术创新的市场导向机制研究”(14JZD010) 2019年度山东省重点研发计划(软科学)重大项目:“深化科技合作打造对外开放新高地方略研究”(2019RZB02013)。
关键词 区域创新 增长极 西部发展 创新集聚 创新扩散 regional innovation growth pole western development innovation agglomeration innovation diffusion
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