
多元主体参与:英国校园欺凌治理实践与启示 被引量:3

Multi-Subjects Participation: School Bullying Governance Practices in the UK and Its Implications
摘要 校园欺凌是世界各国普遍关注且不容忽视的社会问题,有效的校园欺凌治理措施可超越文化的限制,为我国校园欺凌治理工作提供借鉴。作为较早关注校园欺凌行为的西方国家,英国构建了多元主体参与的校园欺凌治理机制:政府为校园欺凌治理工作提供详尽的法律保障和政策支持,且这些保障和政策会根据实际情况不断作出调整和完善;学校在英国校园欺凌治理中处于责任主体地位,每个学校都要建立各自的校园欺凌治理方案,且要告知每位教师、学生以及家长;多个公益性的社会组织为学生、家长以及学校提供预防校园欺凌的咨询,并有相应的基金会为学校培训具有专业知识的反校园欺凌人员;高等院校则对校园欺凌治理进行基于证据的指导,使中小学校的校园欺凌治理工作从经验总结上升到实证依据。可见,英国政府、学校以及社会力量都在校园欺凌治理中发挥了重要作用,建立起了综合性的校园欺凌治理体系。这为我国完善中小学校园欺凌治理工作提供了启发,政府一方面可将校园欺凌纳入学校教育质量调查中,另一方面要构建完善的校园欺凌治理的法律体系;学校不仅要充分发挥学生及家长等利益主体在校园欺凌治理中的作用,也要制订详细的校园欺凌治理方案且为各个利益主体熟知;最后,社会力量更加不容忽视,不仅要提高高校科研对校园欺凌治理工作的指导性,也要积极创建专门反校园欺凌的公益性社会组织。 School bullying is a social problem that cannot be ignored and is widely concerned worldwide. Effective governance measures to deal with school bullying go beyond the limits of culture and provide reference for our practice. As an early western country that pays attention to school bullying, the United Kingdom has established a governance mechanism for school bullying involving multiple subjects: the government provides detailed legal protection and policy support for the governance of school bullying, and these protection and policies will be adjusted and improved according to the situations;schools hold main responsibility in the governance of school bullying;each school must establish its own school bullying governance plan, andmake sure that every teacher, student and parent are informed;multiple public welfare social organizations for students, parents and schools provide counseling on school bullying,and there is a corresponding foundation to prepare personnel for schools with professional knowledge of anti-campus bullying;colleges and universities provide evidence-based guidance,so that primary and secondary schools accumulate experiences and build empirical basis. It can be seen that the UK government, schools and social forces have all played important roles in the governance of school bullying, and established a comprehensive school bullying governance system. This has provided implications for us to improve the governance of school bullying in primary and secondary schools. On one hand, the government can include school bullying in school education quality surveys, and on the other hand, it must build a complete legal system for school bullying governance;for schools, it’ s necessary to give full play to students and parents to take the role of stakeholders in the governance of campus bullying, and to make detailed campus bullying governance plans and to inform all stakeholders. Finally, social forces should not be ignored. It is necessary to improve the guidance of university research on campus bullying management, and to actively create non-profit social organizations that specialize in anti-bullying on campus.
作者 付玉媛 韩映雄 FU Yuyuan;HAN Yingxiong(East China Normal University,Shanghai 20062,China)
出处 《比较教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期60-74,共15页 Journal of Comparative Education
基金 国家社会科学基金“十三五规划”2018年度教育学重点课题“中国教育评估监测制度研究”(项目编号:AFA1810012)。
关键词 英国 校园欺凌 中小学 多元主体 the United Kingdom school bullying primary and secondary schools multiple subjects
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