
“把学校建设成为先进的社会主义大学”--马克思主义教育家成仿吾的教育思想与实践 被引量:4

Building Advanced Socialist Colleges and Universities ——Distinguished Marxist Educator Cheng Fangwu's Educational Thoughts and Practice
摘要 作为我国杰出的马克思主义教育家,成仿吾在办学方向、教育原则以及教育理念等方面具有独到见解。在长达50多年的教育实践活动中,成仿吾遵循马克思主义理论教育规律,始终坚持为党育人、为国育才的办学使命,立足中国大地,坚持教育同具体国情相结合,突出实践导向;坚持教育与生产劳动相结合,形成了内容丰富、特征鲜明的教育思想。成仿吾开辟了中国特色的高等教育发展道路,培养了一大批马克思主义理论实干家,为党的事业发展强固精神支柱,奠定了人才之基。在实践层面,成仿吾创造了敌后办学的奇迹,为发挥中国共产党在抗战中的中流砥柱作用汇聚了不可战胜的强大力量。成仿吾从学校教育的各环节、各层面出发,建立支撑社会主义建设的高等教育育人体系,形成教育要服务于党和国家事业大局的教育理论,为教育事业发展指明了正确的方向。成仿吾的教育思想和实践为无产阶级教育事业的开拓和我国新型高等教育事业的创立做出了杰出贡献,生动诠释了一位红色教育家为党育人、为国育才,努力办好人民满意教育的初心与使命。 A distinguished proletarian educator in China,Cheng Fangwu(1897-1984)had forward original ideas in the orientation of higher education institution operation,the principles of education,and the concepts of education.During the 50-plus years of educational practice,he followed the educational law based on Marxist theories,adhered to the mission of operating a higher education institution to cultivate talents for the CPC and the country,and stuck to the practice-oriented combination of education with both national conditions and productive labor,thus developing his rich and distinctive educational thoughts. He blazed the road of higher education development with Chinese characteristics,cultivated a large number of practitioners of Marxist theories,consolidated the spiritual pillar for the development of the CPC’s cause,and laid a good foundation for talent cultivation. In practice,he created a miracle in higher education institution operation behind the enemy lines,and gathered an invincible force to help the CPC serve as the mainstay in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In all aspects of his higher education institution operation,he established a higher education system to support the socialist construction,created an educational theory that education should serve the overall situation of the cause of the CPC and the country,and showed the right direction for the development of education. In his educational thoughts and practice,he made outstanding contributions to the development of proletarian education and the establishment of China’s new higher education,giving a vivid explanation of a "red" educator’s original aspiration and mission of cultivating talents for the CPC and the country and striving to conduct education satisfying the people.
作者 段妍 Duan Yan(the Faculty of Marxism,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024)
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第7期140-149,共10页 Educational Research
基金 国家社会科学基金2019年度重大项目“百年高校党的建设历史资料的整理与研究”(项目编号:19ZDA012)的研究成果。
关键词 成仿吾 马克思主义 教育思想 教育事业 Cheng Fangwu Marxism educational thought the cause of education
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