
布瓦洛诗学的内在品质 被引量:1

On the Internal Quality of Boileau’s Poetry
摘要 布瓦洛诗学长期以来被等同于古典主义,这种观点关注对布瓦洛诗学的生成语境和时代诉求的考量,固然有道理,但是忽略了对其内在品质进行全面的考察,即忽略了对布瓦洛的人生经历、人格理想、诗学信仰与诗学观点以及古典主义之间的内在联系的研究。如果对布瓦洛的人生轨迹及其作品进行参酌细读,便可发现他对古典主义的推崇既是当时历史、传统与现实的必然要求,又是其人格理想和诗学信仰与古典主义思想范式融为一体的自觉行为。这种内化于心的古典主义理性文学观,使他成为当之无愧的“古典主义代言人”,也使他的诗学具有一股向上向善、追求卓越的内在品质。 Boileau’s Poetry has long been regarded as synonymous with classicism.This view focuses on the consideration of the historical context of writing and the aspirations of the times.While sensible,it ignores a fuller investigation of the internal qualities,namely a study of the inner relation between classicism and Boileau’s life experience,character and ideals,and poetic philosophy,and conceptions.If we make a detailed analysis of Boileau’s life path and his works,we can find that his veneration of classicism was not only a necessary product of history,tradition and reality but also a conscious act of unifying his personal ideals and poetic conceptions with classical paradigms of thinking.This classic rationalist conception of literature,internalized as it was,earned him the well-deserved“spokesman of classicism”and bestowed upon his poetry an uplifting,aspirational inherent quality.
作者 王夏 Wang Xia
出处 《法语国家与地区研究(中法文)》 2021年第3期52-61,92,共11页 Etudes Francophones
关键词 布瓦洛诗学 古典主义 人格理想 诗学信仰 内在品质 Boileau’s poetics classicism ideals poetic conception internal quality
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