

Researching on the Newly Discovered Zhangsun Yi’s Epitaph of the Sui Dynasty: Proving the Function of Supplementing to History of the Tang Novels by the Deeds of the Inscription Writer Shen Jing
摘要 新见隋《长孙懿墓志》,志主为与元魏皇室同源的长孙嵩的后裔,系北周皇家之甥,在周武、隋文两朝皆曾充皇帝亲卫,隋文时两度外任刺史,在朝代更迭的巨大动荡中仍然延续了家世的显贵。该志还罕见地记载了其序文作者,乃北齐灭亡后被征召至长安、成为长孙懿朋友兼亲家的文士北海唐怡;铭文作者,乃从江陵被俘入长安、其后一直追随长孙家族的诗人吴兴沈警,存录下了南北朝时期士人流动、文化交流和民族认同的珍贵实例,使两位仅于《续高僧传》或《感异记》中留有些许印迹、几乎被湮没的贤能之士,而今于此处重露声迹,彰显出该志之珍贵。尤为特别的是,此沈警与唐人沈亚之小说《感异记》的主人公沈警行迹相符,因而该志又提供了一个证明唐人小说具有"史补"价值的极佳例证。 Zhangsun Yi, the owner of the newly discovered epitaph of the Sui dynasty, was a descendant of Zhangsun Song who had the same ancestor with Wei imperial family. He was also the nephew of the Northern Zhou Emperor. He served as the guard of Emperor Wu of North Zhou and Emperor Wen of Sui dynasty and occupied prefectural governor twice in the Sui dynasty, continuing the dominance of the family in the huge turmoil of the change of dynasties. Meanwhile, this epitaph recorded its preface writter Tang Yi from Beihai, who was recruited to Chang’ an after the end of the Northern Qi dynasty and became a friend and relative by marriage of Zhangsun Yi. The inscription was written by Shen Jing from Wuxing, the poet who had been captured into Chang’ an from Jiangling and then always followed Zhangsun family. So the epitaph had recorded precious examples of moving of literati, cultural exchanges and national identitification during the period of the Southern and Northern dynasties. This epitaph highlights its preciousness for it reveals the deeds of the two virtuous and talented scholars Tang Yi and Shen Jing, who only had a little bit of record in Continuation of Biography of Eminent Monks or Note of the Distinctive. Particularly, Shen Jing was the protagonist of Shen Yazhi’s novel Note of the Distinctive, therefore this epitaph also provided an excellent example for certain value of the Tang novels in supplementing to the history.
作者 段锐超 Duan Ruichao
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第7期99-114,共16页 Journal of National Museum of China
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“基于碑刻墓志文献的北朝民族认同研究”(项目编号:18BZS116)资助。
关键词 隋朝墓志 长孙懿 北海唐怡 吴兴沈警 唐人小说 沈亚之 Epitaph of the Sui dynasty Zhangsun Yi Tang Yi from Beihai Shen Jing from Wuxing Tang novels Shen Yazhi
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