
甘肃省黄河流域典型灌区耗水系数试验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Study on Water Consumption Coefficient of Typical Irrigation Districts in the Yellow River Basin of Gansu Province
摘要 以甘肃省黄河流域为研究区,选择洮河自流引水灌区洮惠渠、泾河自流引水加井灌区泾河南干渠、内陆河高扬程景电灌区,进行引退水量、土壤含水量、农作物生长监测,采用"引排差"与"VSMB模型"相结合方法开展典型灌区耗水系数试验研究。通过监测试验基本掌握典型灌区灌溉引、排关系,计算得出甘肃省黄河流域灌区耗水系数。研究成果可为其它相似灌区的农业耗水研究提供参考,同时也为今后黄河流域和甘肃省水资源公报编制工作提供技术支撑。 Taking the Gansu Province of Yellow River basin as the research area,the Taohui canal in Taohe River artesian water diversion irrigation area,Jinghe River artesian water diversion area with well irrigation,Jinghe River main canal and inland river high elevation landscape electric irrigation area were selected to monitor the water consumption coefficient of typical irrigation areas by combining’water diversion and drainage difference’and’VSMB model’.Through the monitoring test.The relationship between water diversion and drainage in typical irrigation areas was basically clarified,and the water consumption coefficient of Yellow River basin irrigation area in Gansu Province was calculated.The research results could provide a reference for the agricultural water consumption research of other similar irrigation areas.
作者 王汉卿 王海荣 WANG Hanqing;WANG Hairong(Lintao Hydrological and Water Resources Survey Bureau of Gansu Province,Lintao 730500,China)
出处 《水文》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期21-27,12,共8页 Journal of China Hydrology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41271092)。
关键词 典型灌区 典型地块 引排差法 VSMB模型 耗水系数 黄河流域 甘肃省 typical irrigation area typical plot diversion and drainage difference method VSMB model water consumption coefficient Yellow River basin Gansu Province
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