
浉河区农村水系治理总体布局 被引量:2

The Overall Layout of Rural Water System Governance in Shihe District
摘要 在对浉河区河流、水库、水文水资源、水质等基本情况进行分析和调研的基础上,找出了农村河湖水系普遍存在的主要问题:河湖淤塞萎缩、侵占水域岸线、河湖水污染严重和河流防洪标准低等。对该区域农村河湖水系现状进行了多维度全面客观评估,提出了该区域农村河湖水系综合整治的原则及目标,为该区域农村河湖水系综合治理进行了事先布局。 Based on the analysis and investigation of rivers,reservoirs,hydrology and water resources,water quality and other basic conditions in Shihe District,the primary problems commonly existed in the rural river and lake water system were found out.The problems include siltation and shrinkage of rivers and lakes,encroachment on shorelines,serious water pollution in rivers and lakes,and low flood control standards in rivers.The present situation of the rural river and lake system in this region was evaluated comprehensively and objectively in a multi-dimensional way.The principles and objectives of the comprehensive regulation of the rural river and lake system in this region are put forward,and the layout of the comprehensive regulation of the rural river and lake system in this region is made in advance.
作者 满庭 MAN Ting(Xinyang Water Conservancy Survey and Design Institute,Xinyang 464000,China)
出处 《河南水利与南水北调》 2021年第5期64-65,共2页 Henan Water Resources & South-to-North Water Diversion
关键词 农村水系 水环境质量 人居环境 rural water system water environment quality human settlement environment
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