目的:探讨腹腔镜下不同手术方式治疗卵巢巧克力囊肿疗效及对卵巢功能的影响。方法:选取本院2017年7月-2019年4月收治的单侧卵巢巧克力囊肿患者72例,随机分两组各36例,分别采用腹腔镜下注水剥除联合缝合止血治疗(观察组)或采用腹腔镜下钝性剥除联合缝合止血治疗(对照组),比较两组手术效果。结果:观察组术后3d血清炎性指标C反应蛋白(16.4±2.5 mg/L)低于对照组(26.7±3.1 mg/L),术后3个月雌二醇(144.6±7.2 pmol/ml)和促卵泡生成素水平(8.8±1.3 mIU/ml)低于对照组(152.5±8.0 pmol/ml、11.0±1.5 mIU/ml),超声卵巢窦状卵泡数目(4.61±1.43个)高于对照组(3.15±0.92个),术后1年观察组妊娠率(44.4%)高于对照组(16.7%)(均P<0.05)。结论:采用腹腔镜下注水剥除联合缝合止血治疗卵巢巧克力囊肿疗效更佳,可降低对卵巢功能影响,同时减轻对患者机体应激反应,提高术后妊娠率。
Objective:To investigate the efficacy of different laparoscopic cystectomy for treating patients with chocolate-like cyst of ovary,and to study its influence on their ovarian function.Methods:72 patients with chocolate-like cyst of unilateral ovary were selected and were randomly divided into study group and control group(36 cases in each group)from January 2015 to July 2019.The patients in the study group were treated of laparoscopic cystectomy by water injection combined with suture hemostasis,while the patients in the control group were treated of laparoscopic blunt cystectomy combined with suture hemostasis.The efficacy of the patients was compared between the two groups.Results:The serum inflammatory C-reactive protein(16.4±2.5 mg/L)of the patients in the study group was significant lower than that(26.7±3.1 mg/L)of the patients in control group in 3 days after operation.3 months after operation,the levels of estradiol(144.6±7.2 pmol/mL)and follicle stimulating hormone(8.8±1.3 mIU/mL)of the patients in the study group were significant better than those(152.5±8.0 pmol/mL and 11.0±1.5 mIU/mL)of the patients in the control group.The number of sinusoid ovarian follicles(4.61±1.43)of the patients in the study group was significant more than that(3.15±0.92)of the patients in the control group.1 year after surgery,the pregnancy rate(44.4%)of the patients in the study group was significant higher than that(16.7%)of the patients in the control group(all P<0.05).Conclusion:The laparoscopic cystectomy by water injection combined with suture hemostasis for treating patients with chocolate-like cyst of ovary has better effectiveness,which can reduce the adverse effect on ovarian function,can alleviate the stress response of patients,and can improve the postoperative pregnancy rate.
XU Haijuan;FANG Lili;YANG Chunling(Huangshan People's Hospital, Anhui Province, 245000)
Chinese Journal of Family Planning
Chocolate-like cyst of ovary
Laparoscopic cystectomy by water injection
Suture hemostasis
Ovarian function
Sex hormone
C-reactive protein