
EphA2:A promising therapeutic target in breast cancer 被引量:7

摘要 Ephrin type-A receptor 2(EphA2),a receptor tyrosine kinase,is overexpressed in human breast cancers often linked to poor patient prognosis.Accumulating evidence demonstrates that EphA2 plays important roles in several critical processes associated with malignant breast progression,such as proliferation,survival,migration,invasion,drug resistance,metastasis,and angiogenesis.As its inhibition through multiple approaches can inhibit the growth of breast cancer and restore drug sensitivity,EphA2 has become a promising therapeutic target for breast cancer treatment.Here,we summarize the expression,functions,mechanisms of action,and regulation of EphA2 in breast cancer.We also list the potential therapeutic strategies targeting EphA2.Furthermore,we discuss the future directions of studying EphA2 in breast cancer.
出处 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第4期261-267,共7页 遗传学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2020YFA0112300 to C.Chen,2017YFC0907902 to Y.Huang) National Natural Science Foundation of China(81830087 and 31771516 to C.Chen 81802671 and81872414 to D.Jiang) Yunnan Fundamental Research Projects(2019FB112 and 202001AW070018 to D.Jiang 202001AY070001-238 to P.Zhao) Education Department Scientific Research Fund of Yunnan Province(2020J0204 to P.Zhao) Project of Innovative Research Team of Yunnan Province(2019HC005)。
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