

On the Motives,Foundations,Obstacles and Countermeasures of Strengthening Sino-American Search and Rescue Cooperation at Sea
摘要 中美两个大国全面加强海洋搜救合作非常必要,这是由海上险情及其搜救特殊属性所决定的,也是保障中美经贸往来和海洋运输安全的需要,因此具有十分重要的意义。这不仅有助于提升两国搜救能力,而且有助于弥合双方海上分歧,增进中美在政治、军事和安全方面的战略互信以及两国人民的传统友谊,为进一步推动双方其他非传统安全领域合作奠定民意基础。同时,中美两国全面加强海洋搜救合作具有可行性,既有法理基础和理论依据,又有认知共识和实践成效,体现了海洋公域安全治理与服务的理念,代表着两国利益汇聚与价值共享的新方向。中美两国应在总结经验和教训的基础上,不断丰富合作内容,完善合作形式,拓宽合作渠道,提升合作层次,努力构建海洋搜救合作长效机制。在此基础上充分发挥其外溢作用,以促进中美关系健康稳定发展。 It is of great necessity for China and the US to strengthen their cooperation in search and rescue at sea given the special nature in this regard.It is also a guarantee for the security of trade between the two countries and transportation at sea.It is a significant measure to enhance the rescue capacity of both sides.It also helps bridge their disputes concerning maritime affairs and promote strategic mutual trust in politics,military and security as well as the traditional friendship between the two peoples.It wins praise from the public,laying foundation for the two sides to further promote other non-traditional cooperation in security.Meanwhile,it is legally and theoretically feasible,cognitively common and practically effective in this respect.This cooperation reflects the notion of governance and service in public maritime regions and represents the new direction of converging interests and shared values between the two countries.To address these issues,China and the US,on the basis of reviewing the experience and lessons in this regard,should enrich the content of such cooperation,complete its forms,expand its channels and uplift its level in an effort to structure a long-term effective mechanism of cooperation in maritime search and rescue so as to give full play to its spillover effect and to promote a sound and steady development of Sino-US relations.
作者 史春林 徐绍元 SHI Chun-lin;XU Shao-yuan(School of Marxism,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian Liaoning 116026,China)
出处 《江南社会学院学报》 2021年第2期49-56,共8页 Journal of Jiangnan Social University
基金 国家社科基金项目“‘21世纪海上丝绸之路’航道安全保障国际合作机制研究”(项目编号:16BGJ031) 教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目“中国参与海上搜救国际合作研究”(项目编号:15YJAGJW003)的阶段性成果。
关键词 中美合作 海洋搜救 海洋非传统安全 人命与财产安全 海洋环保 Sino-American Cooperation Maritime Search and Rescue Non-traditional Maritime Security Safety of Life and Property Maritime Environmental Protection
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