为了有效地提高可穿戴设备使用者的可操作性和扩展性,研究设计一种多传感器、支持云端服务、低成本的可穿戴系统设备.该设备包括微控制器Arduino Uno和5个传感器,传感器分别为心率传感器、呼吸传感器、应激焦虑传感器、体温传感器和血糖传感器.传感器通过MQTT协议,将监控到的身体属性数据实时发送到应用程序,并存储于云端以用于后续处理.所提系统设计最大特点是有效结合云计算和可穿戴技术,实现了对患者健康状况的监控和管理,操作简单便捷,可操作性强.同时系统中的软件和硬件切实可行,具有成本低和可大范围普及的可能性.
In order to effectively improve the operability and scalability of wearable device users,a low-cost wearable system devices based on multiple sensors and supporting cloud services is designed.Each node of the system consists of 5 sensors and a micro-controller Arduino Uno.The device in this paper includes microcontroller Arduino uno and five sensors,which are heart rate sensor,respiratory sensor,stress anxiety sensor,body temperature sensor and blood glucose sensor.Body attribute data monitored by the sensors is sent to the application in real time through MQTT protocol.These data are stored in the cloud for communication between doctors and patients.The most important feature of the proposed system design is the effective combination of cloud computing and wearable technology,which can achieve the monitoring and management of the patient’s health status,and the operation is simple and convenient,the operability is strong.At the same time,the software and hardware of the system is feasible,which has the advantages of low cost and large area popularization.
WEN Jianqiang(School of Media and Design,Chuzhou Polytechnic,Chuzhou 239000,China)
Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology