
新时代民族地区社会心理服务体系的理论思考与构建 被引量:6

Theoretical Thinking and Construction of Public Psychological Service Systems in Ethnic Minority Areas in the New Era
摘要 社会心理服务体系是马克思主义社会管理理论中国化的新成果。当前,我国政府和学者已从政策、理论和实践层面进行了多方位的探索,形成了丰富的学术与应用成果,但也出现了将社会心理服务体系“心理健康化”、“单一学科化”的窄化趋势。民族地区社会心理服务体系建设应认真梳理这些政策、理论与实践脉络,准确把握其科学内涵,合理构建其理论体系。具体来看,新时代民族地区社会心理服务体系依据我国的国情、各民族的传统文化和心理行为特点,综合运用心理学、民族学、预防医学、社会工作和公共管理的理论与策略有效解决社会心态改善、心理健康促进、公共危机管理、民族团结提升、社会共同体认同、民族文化传承和美好生活实现等社会治理问题,有效推进各民族的“交往、交流、交融”,真正实现各民族的“和睦相处、和衷共济、和谐发展”,为解决民族问题和创新民族团结进步事业提供中国特色的新方案。 The public psychological service system is a new achievement in adapting Marxist social management theory to the Chinese context.At present,the Chinese government and scholars have carried out a multi-faceted exploration at the policy,theoretical and practical levels,and gathered a wealth of academic and application results,but there is also a narrowing trend of regarding the social psychological service system as a service for“mental health”and“single subject”.Therefore,the building of a public psychological service system in an ethnic minority area should carefully sort out these policies,theories and practices,accurately grasp its scientific meaning,and reasonably construct its theoretical system.From the perspective of orientation and goals,a public psychological service system in an ethnic minority area falls under social governance,which has the dual characteristics of a public psychological service system and ethnic work.Its core goal is to cultivate a positive public mentality among the people of all ethnic groups and solve the challenges of ethnic unity and common prosperity and development.Regarding management,the setting up of a public psychological service system in an ethnic minority area should adhere to the leadership of the party and the government,with the participation of professionals and representatives of all ethnic groups.Concerning service goals and content,the construction of a public psychological service system in an ethnic minority area should not only promote individual mental health and happiness but also pay attention to more serious social governance problems in ethnic minority areas.As for the service team,the formation of public psychological service systems in ethnic minority areas needs professionals from the areas of psychology,preventive medicine,public management,and social work,as well as professionals who know the law,health and epidemic prevention,and local languages and culture.From the perspective of service strategies and methods,the construction of public psychological service systems in ethnic minority areas is mainly based on local conditions and culture,following the general psychological and behavioral characteristics of the respective ethnic groups.These service methods should integrate multi-disciplinary strategies and take political,economic and cultural measures to achieve the positive psychological construction of the whole of society.Finally,with reference to service effect evaluation,the building of a public psychological service system in ethnic minority areas should innovatively explore service evaluation subjects,evaluation methods,and evaluation indicators.In short,China's public psychological service system must be based on the basic national condition of being a multi-ethnic country,and integrate the construction of public psychological service systems in ethnic minority areas into relevant policy formulation,theoretical exploration and practical research to better help all ethnic peoples achieve a better life,to innovate and promote the new journey of national unity and progress,and to realize the“Two centenary”Goals and the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 王晓刚 陈秋燕 王梦龙 Wang Xiaogang;Chen Qiuyan;Wang Menglong(School of Education and Psychology,Southwest Minzu University,Chendu,610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期50-59,112,共11页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 教育部人文社会科学项目“家支自我对彝族大学生创业挫折的抵御作用研究”(17XJC190005) 西南民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助课题(2018SQN36)阶段性成果。
关键词 新时代 民族地区 社会心理服务体系 中国特色 new era ethnic minority areas public psychological service system Chinese characteristics
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