

Contradictory and Symbiotic Relationship between Reciprocity and MFN Treatment
摘要 最惠国待遇原则是多边贸易体制的基石,WTO缔约方依据该原则而非歧视、无条件、自动地享有另一方给予第三方的优惠待遇,无须提供同等利益交换.美国近年来则积极推行对等原则,并以达成区域及双边协定、采取单边措施作为践行对等原则的突破口,要求各国享有优惠待遇必须付出同等对价,向WTO提出了巨大挑战.但是,对等原则与最惠国待遇原则之间的冲突是被过度放大的:对等原则不仅指美国片面强调的特定对等、完全对等、绝对对等,还包括与最惠国原则紧密共通的扩散对等.通过比较研究两项原则的真实含义、发展轨迹及实效优弊,中国可以全面认识二者互逆共生的实践关系,审慎接纳、有序践行特定对等,进而与各国一同坚守无条件最惠国待遇,巩固并扩大多边贸易体制来之不易的历史成果. According to the principle of Most-Favored-Nation treatment, which is the cornerstone of the multilateral trading system, WTO members are entitled to the preferential treatment given by the other party to the third party unconditionally and automatically, without discrimination and providing the same exchange of interests. In recent years, the United States emphasizes the principle of Reciprocity and requires all countries to pay the same consideration for preferential treatment, by concluding regional and bilateral agreements and taking unilateral measures, which brings huge challenges the WTO. However, the conflict between the principle of Reciprocity and the MFN is actually over-amplified: the principle of Reciprocity encompasses not only the specific, full or absolute reciprocity the US emphasized, but also the diffuse reciprocity closely related to the MFN. By comparing the true meaning, development history, practical advantages and disadvantages of the two principles, China would comprehensively understand the contradictory and symbiotic relationship between them, prudently practice the specific reciprocity and further expand the achievements of the multilateral trading system, along with other countries and under the premise of the unconditional MFN principle.
作者 李贞霏 LI Zhen-fei
出处 《科学决策》 CSSCI 2021年第7期136-146,共11页 Scientific Decision Making
关键词 有条件最惠国待遇 无条件最惠国待遇 特定对等 扩散对等 conditional MFN treatment unconditional MFN treatment specific reciprocity diffuse reciprocity
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