
2010—2019年江阴市法定传染病的流行特征分析 被引量:2

Analysis on epidemiological features of notifiable infectious diseases in Jiangyin City from 2010-2019
摘要 目的掌握2010—2019年江阴市法定传染病的流行病学特征,为制定防控策略和措施提供参考依据。方法应用描述流行病学方法对2010—2019年江阴市法定传染病的流行特征进行分析。结果 2010—2019年江阴市累计报告法定传染病25种66 202例,发病率为405.45/10万。发病率位于前5位的病种依次为手足口病、其他感染性腹泻病、肺结核、梅毒和病毒性肝炎,发病率依次为212.25/10万、83.23/10万、35.62/10万、25.22/10万和15.63/10万。5—7月为江阴市法定传染病的发病高峰,发病率为174.06/10万。男、女发病率分别为456.26/10万和342.53/10万。发病率位于前3位的年龄组依次为<5、5~<10、75~<80岁组,对应发病率分别为6 942.97/10万、690.34/10万和320.62/10万。结论江阴市今后除继续保持对肺结核、梅毒、病毒性肝炎等乙类传染病的防控不放松外,还应加强对丙类传染病的防控力度,尤其是以手足口病和其他感染性腹泻为主的肠道传染病。 Objective To know the epidemiological features of notifiable infectious diseases in Jiangyin City from 2010-2019,provide reference for the development of prevention and control strategies and measures. Methods Descriptive epidemiology was employed to analyze the epidemiological features of notifiable infectious diseases in Jiangyin City from 2010-2019. Results There were 66 202 cases of 25 kinds of notifiable infectious diseases reported in Jiangyin City from 2010-2019,and the incidence was405.45/lakh. The top five infectious diseases with the highest incidence were hand-foot-mouth disease,other infection diarrhea,tuberculosis,syphilis and viral hepatitis,which the incidence was 212.25/lakh,83.23/lakh,35.62/lakh,25.22/lakh and 15.63/lakh,respectively. The peak season of notifiable infectious diseases in Jiangyin City appeared May to July,with the incidence of 174.06/lakh.The incidence of males and females was 456.26/lakh and 342.53/lakh,respectively. The top three age groups with the highest incidence were <5,5-<10 and 75-<80 years old,which the incidence was 6 942.97/lakh,690.34/lakh and 320.62/lakh,respectively. Conclusion While the prevention and control should pay attention to class B infectious diseases such as tuberculosis,syphilis and viral hepatitis in Jiangyin City,it is necessary to further strengthen the prevention and control of class C infectious diseases,especially intestinal infectious diseases of hand-foot-mouth disease and other infectious diarrhea.
作者 徐银 钱程 顾敏华 姚建香 颜雅娟 马焰 施超 XU Yin;QIAN Cheng;GU Min-hua;YAO Jian-xiang;YAN Ya-juan;MA Yan;SHI Chao(Department of Skin Diseases,STD and AIDS Prevention and Control,Jiangyin Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Jjiangyin Jiangsu,214431,China;Institute of Infectious Psease Control,Disinfection and Insecticide,Jiangyin Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Jjiangyin Jiangsu,214431,China;Department of Diseases Control,Wuxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Wuxi Jingsu.214023,China)
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2021年第12期1657-1661,共5页 Occupation and Health
基金 无锡市卫计委科研项目(Q201736) 无锡市卫计委科研项目(MS201817)。
关键词 法定传染病 流行特征 发病率 Notifiable infectious diseases Epidemiological features Incidence
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