法国EMA的创新工作场所我们与Bouygues Construction/Linkcity和当地建筑师KeurK组成联合体,打击败其他七个设计队伍,赢得了法国里尔新的欧洲药品管理局(EMA)总部国际设计竞赛。目前欧洲药品管理局总部在伦敦。里尔市正在与其他欧洲城市竞争,希望成为新总部的东道主。我们赢得了设计比赛,这30,000平方米的建筑,将成为法国官方提出的候选资格提案。我们的愿景是为里尔创建一个里程碑,为大约890名代理商和3,700名EMA工作专家创建一个最先进的总部,为其量身定制合适的工作流程。该建筑被命名为‘The Biotope(生物群落),设计为自然生活空间,非常适合满足用户的多样化需求,并开放环境予周围-源于希腊人对“生活场所”的表达。该建筑物将位于大皇宫和里尔地区总部之间,它将包括一个300个座位、专门用于会议的礼堂,多个会议室,工作空间和休闲区,全景餐厅等。建筑的波纹是由玻璃,光和植物组成。
An office building designed as a nature-filled living space in Lille Henning Larsen has designed an officebuilding for the center of Lille,France with a vision to create a landmark and a state-of-the-art building for civic and commercialuse.Henning Larsen has designed the Biotope to be open to the surrounding environment and perfectly suited to meet the diverse needs of its users.The building name,‘Biotope’stems from the Greek expression"place of life."The Biotope is a large civic institution with a staff of over 3,000 civil servantsworking on a wide range of services for the citizens of Lille.Holistically,the Biotope is an ensemble that gathers together a community of workers,plants,and wild life.Its success is directly linked to the cohabitation of these entities.The 30,000 m2 building is located between the Grand Palais and the Regional Headquarters in Lille.It features a 300-seat auditorium dedicated to conferences,multiple meeting rooms,work and relaxation areas,two glass bridges,a panoramic cafeteria,and over 5,000 m2 of lushly planted terraces.The building's exterior is home to a forest on the roof,vegetation-rich balconies along the façade,and green elements in the atrium and plaza.The rooftop forest will develop as a self-sustaining ecosystem of plants,birds and insects.
World Architecture Review