

A Corpus-based Study of Children’s Second Language Development
摘要 本研究通过对不同年龄段的儿童的课堂二语输出进行跟踪录音、转写、统计,对儿童二语输出平均句长进行量化分析,探究幼儿园阶段接受进入式外语教育的儿童二语发展的过程。结合定性、定量分析,发现儿童的二语发展经历了模式化表达主导、自主输出初期以及大量输出并列句这三个阶段,教师、同伴和母语都对儿童二语的发展产生了影响。 In this study, the average sentence length of children’s second language output is quantitatively analyzed by tracking, recording, transcribing and statistics of children’s second language output in different age groups, so as to explore the process of children’s second language development in kindergarten. Combined with qualitative and quantitative analysis, it is found that children’s second language development has gone through three stages: model oriented expression, early stage of autonomous output and a large number of output of coordinate sentences. Teachers,peers and mother tongue all have an impact on children’s second language development.
作者 程婧 CHENG Jing(School of Arts and Sciences,Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350000)
出处 《科教导刊》 2021年第16期183-185,192,共4页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 福建省社会科学规划项目(青年项目):基于语料库的儿童早期二语发展研究 项目编号:FJ2018C098。
关键词 儿童二语发展 平均句长 浸入式外语教育 children’s second language development average sentence length immersion foreign language education
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