
推动新能源革命促进实现碳中和目标 被引量:11

Promoting the New Energy Revolution and Achieving the Goal of Carbon Neutrality
摘要 实现碳中和不仅是大国责任,而且是中国经济发展"换道超车"和突破资源、环境瓶颈约束的机遇。推动新能源革命,依托自主创新技术,发展生物燃料与生物基材料产业,让绿水青山变金山银山。仅利用我国现有秸秆的40%和5000万亩青贮玉米地、2亿亩盐碱地资源,对1亿亩压采地下水耕地进行种植结构调整,生产乙醇、氢等生物燃料和聚乳酸等生物基材料,就能替代1.5亿吨汽柴油和1亿吨石油基塑料和化纤,使纺织服装业重获新生,进而有望使国家逐步实现从石油经济向生物经济的转型,提供5000万个就业岗位,引领全球碳中和之路。 Realizing carbon neutralization is not only the responsibility of large countries, but also an opportunity for China’s economic development to "overtake" and remove the bottleneck constraints of resources and environment. China need to promote the new energy revolution, rely on independent innovative technologies, develop biofuels and bio-based materials industry, and turn the lucid waters and lush mountains into invaluable assets. If we utilize 40% of China’s existing straws, 33,333 hectares of silage corn land and 133,333 hectares of saline alkali land resources, adjust the planting structure of 666,667 hectares of cultivated land irrigated with groundwater, and produce biofuels such as ethanol and hydrogen and bio-based materials such as polylactic acid, we can reduce consumption of 150 million tons of gasoline and diesel and 100 million tons of petroleum-based plastics and chemical fiber, so as to revitalize the textile and garment industry. Furthermore, China is expected to gradually realize a transformation from the oil economy to the bio-economy, provide 50 million jobs and lead the global carbon neutralization efforts.
作者 李十中 Li Shizhong
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第14期42-51,共10页 Frontiers
关键词 新能源 “两山”理论 碳中和 生物基 生物经济 new energy "Two Mountains"Theory carbon neutralization bio-based bio-economy
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