
管式PECVD工艺对组件PID的影响研究 被引量:2

Research on influence of tubular PECVD process on PID of module
摘要 以多晶硅电池管式等离子增强化学气相沉积(plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition,PECVD)工艺对组件电势诱导衰降(potential induced degradation,PID)的影响为研究对象,进行了实验验证分析,研究结果表明:多层膜比单层膜的抗PID性能好,去除预淀积步骤可以明显改善抗PID性能,膜厚一定时,折射率尤其是接触硅片子层的折射率越高,抗PID性能越好;折射率一定时,膜厚尤其是接触硅片子层膜越厚,抗PID性能越好。通过优化多晶硅电池管式PECVD工艺参数,可以提升组件抗PID性能。 The effect of PECVD process on the PID of polysilicon cell is studied.The experimental results show that the anti PID performance of multilayer film is better than that of single-layer film.The anti PID performance can be significantly improved by removing the pre deposition step.When the film thickness is fixed,the higher the refractive index,especially the contact silicon sublayer,the better the anti PID performance;when the refractive index is constant,the higher the film thickness,especially the contact silicon wafer sublayer,the better the anti PID performance.By optimizing the process parameters of poly silicon cell tube PECVD,the anti PID performance of the module can be improved.
作者 李景 王贵梅 王玉肖 刘苗 许志卫 LI Jing;WANG Guimei;WANG Yuxiao;LIU Miao;XU Zhiwei(JA Solar Co.,Ltd.,Xingtai Hebei 055550,China)
出处 《电源技术》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第8期1034-1035,1039,共3页 Chinese Journal of Power Sources
关键词 多晶硅 管式PECVD PID 膜厚 折射率 polysilicon tubular PECVD PID thickness refractive index
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