

"Two Bombs and One Star"Spirit And the Practical Significance of Staying True to the Original Mission in the New Era
摘要 “两弹一星”精神的内涵是“热爱祖国、无私奉献,自力更生、艰苦奋斗,大力协同、勇于登攀”。它向我们诠释了老一辈知识分子的拳拳报国之心,成为了共产党人的精神谱系之一。“两弹一星”精神,对于我们坚定信仰、信念、信心,坚定革命理想和革命宗旨,不忘初心使命有着重大的深远意义,是我们朝着中华民族伟大复兴目标奋勇前进的强大精神力量。新时代传承红色基因,赓续共产党人精神血脉,不忘初心使命,传承“两弹一星”精神,必须熔炼铸牢坚定的理想信念,必须熔炼铸牢正确的世界观人生观,必须熔炼铸牢对党忠诚的政治品格,必须熔炼铸牢勇往直前敢于亮剑的意志。 The connotation of the spirit of"two bombs and one star"is"love the motherland,selfless dedication,self-reliance,hard work,strong cooperation,the courage to climb the mountain".It explains to us the older generation of intellectuals the heart of fists for the country,become one of the spiritual genealogy of the Communist Party.The spirit of"two bombs and one satellite"is of great and far-reaching significance for us to strengthen our faith,faith,and confidence,to firm up our revolutionary ideals and purposes,and to stay true to our original mission.It is a powerful spiritual force for us to forge ahead toward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.New age red inheritance gene,persist the communists spiritual bloodline,don't forget the inheritance"rocket"mission,his mind,and must be melting cast up a firm ideal faith,must be melting cast up the correct world outlook outlook on life,must be melting cast on the political character of be loyal,must be melting cast up courage to strong-arm reaction will.
作者 孔庆蓉 KONG Qing-rong(School of Journalism,Qinghai Normal University,xining 810016;"Two·Bombs and one Star"Spirit Research Insitute of Qinghai Normal University,Qinghai xining,810016 Graduate School of Qinghai Normal University,Xining 810008,China)
出处 《青海师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第3期20-25,共6页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 2021青海省社会科学规划年度项目“青海多元民族文化对中华文化的认同路径研究”(20021)。
关键词 两弹一星 民族复兴 使命担当 Hydrogen bombs National rejuvenation Mission to bear








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