非织造行业是随着干法成网工艺的出现而兴起的 ,干法成网是非织造中应用范围最广 ,发展历史最长的一个大类。本文主要介绍了干法非织造用纤维原料、成网技术、加固技术和后整理技术等。文章指出 :纤维原料多样化 ,加工技术多元化 ,工艺组合柔性化 ,非织产品功能化已成为干法非织造材料的发展趋势。
Nonwoven Industry has grown up as dry-laid process that is the technology with the widest application and longest history. In this paper, fibers used or to be used in dry-laid nonwovens, web formation technology, web solidification technology and finishing technology are introduced. It has been emphasized that development tendency of nonwovens with wide varieties of fibers, flexible processes and function of nonwoven products.
Technical Textiles