目的了解新型冠状病毒防控期间个人公共卫生薄弱环节,加强手部卫生教育。方法 2020年1月对锦州地区31个咨询家庭中95人进行公共卫生习惯问卷调查,采用SPSS22.0软件对问卷结果进行统计分析。结果儿童组与成年组在手部卫生调查"洗手时间超过20 s"回答"是"的构成比分别为88.24%和93.59%,"清洁手部各个部位"回答"是"的构成比分别为64.71%和75.64%,2组的回答差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);儿童组与成年组"未清洁手不碰眼、鼻、口"回答"是"的构成比分别为41.18%和64.10%,"打喷嚏用纸巾遮挡"回答"是"的构成比分别为29.41%和60.26%,2组回答的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或<0.01)。儿童组卫生意识低于成人组;成年人在手部卫生调查问题上差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或<0.01)。在"洗手时间超过20 s"、"清洁手部各个部位"、"未清洁手不碰眼、鼻、口"和"打喷嚏用纸巾遮挡",男性回答"是"的构成比分别为86.49%、51.35%、35.14%、40.54%低于女性在同一问题回答"是"的构成比100%、97.56%、90.24%、78.05%。男性手部卫生意识差于女性。结论普通人群个人手部卫生习惯有待加强,加大公共卫生宣教。
Objective To understand the weak links of personal public health during prevention and control in COVID-19,and to strengthen hand health education. Methods In January 2020,questionnaire survey about public health habits was conducted among 95 individuals from 31 consulting families.SPSS 22.0 software was used for statistical analysis of the results. Results In the hand hygiene survey, 88.24% of the children and 93.59% of the adults answered "yes" to the question "washing hands for more than 20 seconds",64.71% of the children and 75.64% of the adults answered "yes" to the question "cleaning all parts of hands",there was no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups(P>0.05);41.18% of the children and 64.10% of the adults answered "yes" to the question "do not touch eyes, nose and mouth without cleaning hands",29.41% of the children and 60.26% of the adults answered "yes" to the question "cover sneezing with tissue paper",with statistically significant difference between the 2 groups(P<0.05).The awareness of hygiene in the children group was lower than that in the adult group.There were statistically significant differences between the adults in the hand hygiene survey(P<0.05).On "washing hands for more than 20 seconds", "cleaning all parts of hands", "do not touch eyes, nose and mouth without cleaning hands", "cover sneezing with tissue paper",the proportion of males who answered "yes" was 86.49%,51.35%,35.14% and 40.54%,respectively, which was lower than that of females who answered "yes" in the same question: 100%,97.56%,90.24% and 78.05%.Men are less aware of hand hygiene than women. Conclusion Both hand hygiene habits of general population and public health education should be strengthened.
TAO Ye;XIAO Yan-jie(Jinzhou Medical University,Jinzhou,Liaoning,121001,China;不详)
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Hand hygiene
Public health