
预警、响应与恢复——韧性城市视角下应对突发公共卫生事件的规划策略研究 被引量:9

Early Warning,Response and Recovery:Research on Planning Strategies for Responding to Public Health Emergencies from the Perspective of Urban Resilience
摘要 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(COVID-19)的爆发严重影响了人们的生命健康和日常生活,城市中的人口与生产生活资源等相对集中,突发公共卫生事件发生时往往损失更严重。韧性城市能够有效应对突发性灾害风险,通过一系列干预措施帮助城市从崩溃状态过渡到自组织循环稳态,并逐渐恢复。在此背景之下,本文首先梳理了韧性城市的概念与特征,通过分析韧性城市特征与突发公共卫生事件应对措施之间的响应关系,探讨了韧性城市规划应对突发公共卫生事件的适用性。然后,基于韧性城市规划框架中的脆弱性分析、城市管治、预防和不确定性导向规划四个方面,结合突发公共卫生事件发展周期,构建了预警、响应和恢复框架。最后,基于框架提出了应对策略:预警层面,对潜在风险进行评估并构建早期预警系统,做好防灾准备;响应层面,提出城市应急资源的冗余配置、城市基础设施的多元建设、城市生态环境的多层协作和社区层级的自组织响应四大规划策略;恢复层面,注重韧性城市规划的重建与修复,强调灾后评估与反馈,同时提升公众防灾意识。 The outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia(COVID-19)has severely affected people’s lives,health and daily life.The population,production and living resources in cities are relatively concentrated,and the losses are often more serious when public health emergencies occur.In addition,due to rapid population growth and disorderly spread of urban boundaries,urban vulnerability and the probability of secondary disasters have increased,and the difficulty of post-disaster prevention and recovery has also increased.Urban resilience can effectively respond to sudden disaster risks,and through a series of interventions,help cities transition from a collapsed state to a self-organizing cycle of steady state,and gradually recover.Therefore,it has become increasingly important to formulate specific prevention and control mechanisms and strategies for public health emergencies,and to build an urban resilience planning framework oriented to prevent and control emergencies.In this context,this article firstly expounds the concept of urban resilience,that is,urban resilience refers to the urban system that can withstand a lot of changes and self-organize and adapt to maintain the original function and structure of the city when faced with acute shocks and chronic pressures.Secondly,the article sorts out the characteristics and meanings of urban resilience planning,including self-organization,redundancy,diversity,adaptability,synergy,and interdependence.By analyzing the response relationship between the characteristics of resilient cities and response measures to public health emergencies,the applicability of urban resilience planning to respond to public health emergencies is discussed.It is believed that the characteristics of resilient urban planning can influence and help address public health emergencies.The construction and implementation of various response measures can effectively respond to the incident.Thirdly,the article is based on the four aspects of vulnerability analysis,urban governance,prevention,and uncertainty-oriented planning in the framework of urban resilience planning,combined with the four development cycles of the precursor period,outbreak period,treatment period and recovery period of public health emergencies.Based on the principle of resilient city characteristics,a framework for early warning,response and recovery is constructed.Finally,the article proposes response strategies for public health emergencies based on the framework of early warning,response and recovery.At the early warning level,it evaluates potential risks and builds an early warning system to prepare for disaster prevention;at the response level,it includes the provision of redundant allocation of urban emergency resources,the diversified construction of urban infrastructure,and the multi-level collaboration of urban ecological environment.The four major planning strategies are for self-organized response at the community level;at the recovery level,it includes focusing on the reconstruction and restoration of resilient urban planning,emphasizing post-disaster assessment and feedback,and enhancing public awareness of disaster prevention with a view to constructing a socialized,instant,informatized,and comprehensive,urban resilience framework for responding to public health emergencies.
作者 谭卓琳 陆明 TAN Zhuolin;LU Ming
出处 《西部人居环境学刊》 CSCD 2021年第4期59-65,共7页 Journal of Human Settlements in West China
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52078160)。
关键词 韧性城市 突发公共卫生事件 风险管理 灾害防控 Urban Resilience Public Health Emergency Risk Management Disaster Prevention and Control
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