
一种计算不规则物体体积和重心坐标的方法 被引量:1

Calculation of mass center and volume of irregular objects
摘要 通过三维激光扫描技术获取不规则物体的点云数据,将数据沿三个坐标轴方向以固定的间隔切片,将各切片层内扫描点投影至切片底面,用Alpha-shape算法搜索外接多边形,计算多边形的面积。计算各切片的体积,对所有的切片计算结果进行内插和累加,即可得到物体的重心坐标和体积。通过计算不规则物体的实测点云数据,验证了该方法的可靠性。对计算中切片间隔和搜索半径的选取作了适当的分析,得出一些有益结论。 For the point cloud data of irregular objects obtained by 3D laser scanning technology,we slice it at fixed intervals along the three coordinate axis directions,and the scanning points in each slice layer are projected to the bottom surface of the slice.Alpha-shape algorithm is used to search the external polygon.Each slice is interpolated and accumulated to get the coordinate of mass center and volume of the object.The real point cloud data of irregular objects are processed which verifies the correctness of the algorithm.Appropriate analysis on selection of slice interval and search radius in the calculation is presented,and some useful conclusions are given.
作者 刘东林 王解先 Liu Donglin;Wang Jiexian(College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《工程勘察》 2021年第8期46-50,共5页 Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
基金 国家自然科学基金(41674029,41974025).
关键词 点云数据 Alpha-shape算法 重心坐标计算 体积计算 point cloud data Alpha-shape algorithm mass center coordinate calculation volume calculation
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