

Imperial Examinations, Medicine, and Competent Officials: Restoration and Research on the Xiao(萧氏) Family in Longquan in Song Dynasty
摘要 吉州龙泉县(今遂川县)萧氏家族是北宋中期以来崛起一个科举家族,其家族科举兴盛,家族人物也有通医理者,所谓尚医士人也,并且家族人物关涉北宋晚期政治甚深。长期以来,由于资料的缺失,使得其家族被长期湮没,只有零星记载在国史中。萧氏祖居地江西吉安遂川县雩田上洲出土多方其家族墓志铭,保存至今有《萧世范墓志铭》《萧拱辰墓志铭》。笔者在前往雩田上洲调查时,在友人协助下又获得《民国十年辛酉遂川上洲萧氏十二修族谱》,该族谱保存有清嘉庆时期重修祖墓而留下的《萧世京夫妇墓志铭》《萧世范夫妇墓志铭》,以及部分北宋人物传记,对于重构北宋龙泉萧氏家族及其研究大有裨益。文章利用《续资治通鉴长编》、各类地方志、族谱、墓志铭来重构北宋龙泉萧氏家族及探讨各类材料对于家族研究的长处与限制。 The Xiao family in Longquan County,Jizhou(now Suichuan County)was an imperial examination family that had risen since the mid-North Song Dynasty.Its family imperial examinations flourished.The family members also had medical practitioners,the so-called medical scholars,and the family figures were deeply involved in the politics of the late Northern Song Dynasty.But for a long time,due to the lack of information,his family was obliterated for a long time,and only sporadic records were recorded in the history of the country.Many epitaphs of his family were unearthed during the Cultural Revolution in Yutian Shangzhou,Suichuan County,Ji'an,Jiangxi,where the ancestral home of the Xiao family lived.The epitaph of Xiao Shifan and the epitaph of Xiao Gongchen have been preserved to this day.When the author went to investigate Shangzhou in Shitian,with the help of friends,he obtained the"Twelve Clan Trees of the Xiao Family in Shangzhou,Xinyou Suichuan in the Republic of China in the Ten Years of the Republic of China".,"The epitaph of Xiao Shifan and his wife"and some biographies of Northern Song Dynasty figures are of great benefit to the reconstruction and research of the Xiao family in Longquan,Northern Song Dynasty.This article uses"Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian Chang Bian",various local chronicles,genealogy,and epitaphs to reconstruct the Northern Song Dynasty Longquan Xiao family and discuss the strengths and limitations of various materials for family research.
作者 余辉 Yu Hui(The School of History,Capital Normal University,Beijing China,100048)
出处 《地方文化研究》 2021年第3期68-78,共11页 Local Culture Research
基金 2019年首都师范大学历史学院研究生科研资助项目“宋代分宁徐氏家族研究”(项目编号:2019LS19)阶段性成果。
关键词 北宋 家族 吉州龙泉 萧氏 Song Dynasty Family Jizhou Longquan Xiao family
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