0bjective To understand the occurrence of postpartum depression among hospitalized parturients in our hospital,and to analyze the related factors of postpartum depression.Methods From January 2018 to July 2020,the pregnant women who delivered in the Third Afiliated Hospital of Cuangdong Medical University(Longjiang Hospital of Shunde District,Foshan)and those who came to our hospital for physical examination within 2-6 weeks after delivery were enrolled.According to the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale,women with≥9 points were classified as postpartum depression(n=39),and those with less than 9 points were classified as non-postpartum depression(n=174).Epidata3.1 was used for data entry and statistical analysis was conducted.Results Of the 213 valid questionnaires collcted,39 cases of postpartum depression occurred,with an incidence of 18.3%.The results showed that educational back ground,per capita monthly income,milk production,feeding style and postpartum sleep were correlated with the incidence of postpartum depression,with statistical significance(P<0.05).Conc lus i on The incidence of postpartum depression is high,and it is necssary to carry out targeted counseling and education in early stage to reduce the risk of postpartum depression as much as possible.
Capital Food Medicine
Postpartum depression
Influencing factors