
The Validation of Goldeneye^(™)DNA ID 22NC kit and the Genetic Polymorphism of 21 Short Tandem Reeat Loci in the Chinese Hunan Han Population

摘要 Goldeneye™DNA ID 22NC Kit is a novel short tandem repeat(STR)genotyping system that investigate 20 non-CODIS loci(D4S2366,D6S477,D22GATA198B05,D15S659,D8S1132,D3S3045,D14S608,D17S1290,D3S1744,D2S441,D18S535,D13S325,D7S1517,D1OS1435,D11S236&D19S253,D1S1656,D7S3O4&D10S14&and D5S2500),a CODIS locus(D3S1358),and a sex-determining locus amelogenin in one assay.In the present study,this STR genotyping system was validated according to the guidelines of"Wlidation Guidelines for DNA Analysis Methods(2016)"updated by the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods.A series of tests,such as polymerase chain reaction-based studies,sensitivity,inhibitors,DNA mixture,species specificity,precision and accuracy evaluation,stutter percentage,and peak height ratio,was conducted.The genetic polymorphism of 21 STR loci that included in the 22NC system was also investigated in the Chinese Hunan Han population.The validation results demonstrated that Goldeneye™DNA ID 22NC Kit is a robust and reliable identification assay as required for genotyping in kinship analysis and forensic investigation.The 21 STR loci in this kit also showed a high level of genetic polymorphism for the Hunan Han population.Therefore,it can be used for forensic applications and population studies.
出处 《Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine》 2018年第3期122-128,I0004-I0015,共19页 法庭科学与法医学杂志(英文)
基金 the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81302615,81302621,and 81571855).
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