
云服务供应链多人合作与技术创新决策的两型博弈模型 被引量:16

Biform game for the cloud service supply chain with multi-person cooperation and technology innovation decision
摘要 针对云服务供应链中既存在策略选择又存在收益分配的问题,用非合作-合作两型博弈分析了由一个云应用开发商和三个云服务运营商组成的两级云服务供应链的合作与技术创新问题.用非合作博弈分析了供应链成员的策略选择问题;用合作博弈的宗系解分配合作成员所得收益.结果表明,在不考虑下游运营商技术创新时,上游开发商会选择实力较强的运营商组合进行合作,且只有在贴标签成本较低时,才会选择贴标签以增加分配收益;而在考虑下游运营商技术创新时,下游实力较差的运营商只有在其创新收益高于实力较强的运营商时才有可能与开发商合作,且只有参与合作的运营商会选择技术创新.研究结论将为两级云服务供应链成员的策略选择及利益分配提供可操作性的建议. In this paper,a biform game is used to study the cooperation and technological innovation of two-stage cloud service supply chain,which is composed of one cloud application developer and three cloud service operators.The strategy selection of supply chain members is analyzed according to non-cooperative game.The clique solution of cooperative game is used to distribute the profits of cooperative developers and operators.The results obtained in this paper show that,when not considering the technological innovation of the downstream operators,the upstream developers will choose the combination of stronger operators for cooperation,and only when the cost of labeling is low they will choose the branding strategy to increase the distribution revenue.When considering the technological innovation of the downstream operators,the poor downstream operators are only likely to cooperate with the developers if their innovation revenue is higher than that of the stronger operators,and only the operators cooperating with the developers will choose the technological innovation.The conclusion obtained in this paper will provide operational suggestions for the strategy choice and the distribution of benefits of the two-stage supply chain with multi-developers and multi-operators.
作者 南江霞 张莉 张茂军 李登峰 NAN Jiangxia;ZHANG Li;ZHANG Maojun;LI Dengfeng(School of Business,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou 215009,China;School of Mathematics and Computing Science,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin 541004,China;School of Management and Economics,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731,China)
出处 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期1771-1783,共13页 Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金(72061007,71961004) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72071032) 桂林电子科技大学研究生教育创新计划(2020YJSCX04)。
关键词 云服务供应链 宗系解 两型博弈 技术创新 cloud service supply chain clique solution biform game technology innovation
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