
海拔与老年人身心健康关系研究可视化分析 被引量:2

Relationship between altitude and physical and mental health of the elderly:a visualizing analysis
摘要 目的用计量学方法分析中国海拔与老年人身心健康关系的研究现状,指导中国医养结合机构建造选址问题,并为该领域开展研究提供借鉴和参考。方法通过检索中国生物医学文献数据库、中国知识基础设施工程、万方数据库,获取中国海拔与老年人身心健康关系相关研究,应用EndNote X7、Excel 2013和VOSviewer对纳入文献筛选管理和数据分析。结果中国海拔与老年人身心健康的关系研究呈递增到递减的趋势,2010、2013年达到高峰,峰值均为49篇;发文量≥10篇的高产作者共有14位;出现频次≥5的关键词有36个;研究主题主要分为5个,更多聚焦在高海拔地区老年人的慢病。结论中国海拔与老年人身心健康关系研究相对较少,总体呈递增趋势;研究团体之间联系不够紧密,进一步加强合作空间很大;研究主题有进一步开拓的空间;应关注如何在高海拔地区开展医养结合,使高海拔地区老年人的慢病防治有归属感。 Objective To analyze the relationship between altitude and the physical and mental health of the elderly in China with bibliometrics in order to provide guidance for the construction of medical and nursing establishments in China,and to provide reference for researchers in this field.Methods China Biology Medicine Disc,China National Knowledge Infratructure and Wanfang database were searched and included all available studies on the relationship between altitude and physical and mental health of the elderly in China;the studies were screened and analyzed using EndNote X7,Excel 2013 and VOSviewer.Results The research on the relationship between altitude and the physical and mental health of the elderly in China showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing,reaching the highest in 2010 and 2013,with a highest of 49.There were 14 authors having published 10 papers or more in this field.Totally 36 keywords were employed 5 times or more and the top keywords were continental plateau,the elderly,hemorheology,regression analysis,pulmo-nary heart disease.The main topics of the study were divided into five subjects,focusing more on the chronic diseases of the elderly at high altitudes.Conclusion There has been relatively little research on the relation-ship between altitude and the physical and mental health of the elderly in China,and the overall trend was increasing.The relationship between research groups was not close enough,and there was much room for fur-ther strengthening cooperation in this area.And the research theme needed to be further developed.In the future,attention should be paid to how to carry out a combination of medical and nursing in high altitude areas,so that the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases of the elderly in those areas would have a sense of belonging.
作者 王韵华 陈永聪 田金徽 李兴勇 Wang Yun-hua;Chen Yong-cong;Tian Jin-hui;Li Xing-yong(School of Public Health,School of Basic Medical Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China;Evidence-based Medicine Center,School of Basic Medical Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China;Department of Orthopaedics,Gansu Provincial Hospital,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《兰州大学学报(医学版)》 2021年第4期7-11,共5页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Medical Sciences)
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2019M653787) 甘肃省人民医院2017年院内科研基金项目(17GSSY2-7) 甘肃省人民医院国家科研项目发展规划(19SYPYB-18) 兰州市城关区科技计划项目(2019RCCX0011)。
关键词 海拔 老年人 身心健康 计量分析 altitude elderly physical and mental health metrological analysis
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