
大花铁线莲开花物候与传粉昆虫的研究 被引量:6

Flowering phenology and pollinating insect of Clematis patens
摘要 大花铁线莲是我国东北地区兼具优良观赏性状及药用价值的野生植物资源。为了研究野生大花铁线莲在引种地的开花进程和传粉规律,探讨引种环境对其开花特性的影响,该文于2017—2018年间对大花铁线莲在个体、群体水平的开花物候和传粉特性进行了连续两年的观测和统计。结果表明:(1)大花铁线莲的群体花期在5月中旬至6月中下旬,两年个体开花进程基本相似,均呈单峰曲线;群体始花期和末花期时间较短,而盛花期时间较长,约为20 d,单株花期为5~7 d,种群花期长达30 d以上。群体开花比例呈现先升后降的变化趋势,累计开花比例在开花后一周左右达到100%。两年的开花同步指数(S i)分别为0.76和0.74,说明大花铁线莲两年间的开花特性差异较小。(2)大花铁线莲访花昆虫主要有6目13科18种,它们在访花频率、访花行为以及在单花停留时间上都有一定的差异。传粉昆虫主要是8种,分属于3目4科。中华蜜蜂、短腹管食蚜蝇和狭带贝蚜蝇访花频率高,在单花上停留时间较长,可以初步认定它们在大花铁线莲的花粉传播中有重要作用。该文对大花铁线莲开花特性和访花昆虫的观查以及盗蜜昆虫行为的研究,为大花铁线莲的迁地保护和引种栽培提供了科学依据。 Clematis patens is a wild plant resource with excellent ornamental and medicinal values.In order to make clear the flowering process and pollination rules of C.patens,and to explore effects of introduction environment on flowering process of C.patens,the flowering phenology and pollination characteristics of C.patens on individual and population levels were observed and studied for two consecutive years(2017—2018)by the method of location observation.The results were as follows:(1)The flowering period of the population of C.patens was from mid-May to mid-June.The initial flowering period and the final flowering period were shorter,while the flowering period was longer,about 20 d;the flowering period of a single plant was 5-7 d,and the flowering period of the population was more than 30 d.The flowering proportion showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing.The cumulative flowering ratio reached 100%one week after flowering.The two-year flowering synchronization index(S i)was 0.76 and 0.74,respectively,indicating that the difference in flowering characteristics of C.patens in the two years was little.(2)There were 6 species,13 families and 18 species of flower-visiting insects for C.patens.They have certain differences in the flower-visiting frequency,the flower-visiting behavior,and the retention time on a single flower.There were mainly eight kinds of pollinating insects,which belong to three orders and four families.Apis cerana,Eristalis arbustorum and Betasyrphus serarius had high flower-visiting frequency and long stays on single flowers.It could be preliminarily determined that they played an important role in the pollen transmission of C.patens.The observation of the flowering characteristics of C.patens and the flower-visiting insects as well as the study of the behaviors of the stealing insects,provide the reference for the introduction,cultivation and off-the-spot conservation of C.patens.
作者 温馨 张永胜 尚禹含 李海微 冀李琼 韩金秀 王非 WEN Xin;ZHANG Yongsheng;SHANG Yühan;LI Haiwei;JI Liqiong;HAN Jinxiu;WANG Fei(College of Landscape Architecture,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China;Rizhao Landscaping Group,Rizhao 276826,Shandong,China;China Jingye Engineering Corporation,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期1315-1323,共9页 Guihaia
基金 东北林业大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(国家级)(201810225201) 黑龙江省自然科学基金(C2018010)。
关键词 大花铁线莲 开花物候 传粉昆虫 花期 访花昆虫 Clematis patens flowering phenology pollinating insect flowering period flower-visiting insect
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