
2014—2019年辽宁省食源性疾病流行病学分析 被引量:33

Epidemiological characteristics of foodborne diseases between 2014 and 2019 in Liaoning Province
摘要 目的调查辽宁省食源性疾病流行特征及病原体分布,为预防和控制食源性疾病提供参考。方法采用"食源性疾病监测网",收集辽宁省2014—2019年食源性疾病病例信息,采集患者粪便标本开展特定病原体检验,并进行分析。结果 2014—2019年辽宁省共报告171 219例食源性疾病病例,其中25~44岁年龄组报告病例数最多(33.38%,57 151/171 219);报告病例主要集中在第三季度(65.35%,111 896/171 219);副溶血性弧菌是主要致病菌,检出率为4.37%(867/19 845);可疑暴露食品主要包括水产动物及其制品(19.86%,33 002/166 211)、水果类及其制品(14.58%,24 239/166 211)和肉与肉制品(12.59%,20 929/166 211),加工或包装方式以散装(41.79%,70 941/169 743)为主,家庭是主要进食场所(70.65%,119 517/169 157);临床症状以消化系统症状(98.55%,168 735/171 219)为主,腹泻最多见。结论辽宁省应进一步加强食源性疾病监测报告网络,避免缺报漏报,加大对重点高危人群的监测力度,针对海产品食用安全,尤其是在夏季、家庭中制作散装海产品时要注重选购、加工安全,加强食品安全健康教育,避免食源性疾病发生。 Objective To analyze the monitoring results of foodborne diseases in Liaoning Province, so as to provide scientific basis for prevention and control.Methods The case of foodborne disease from foodborne disease surveillance and report system in Liaoning Province in 2014-2019 were collected. The stool samples of patients were collected for pathogen detection, and the prevalence status and causes of foodborne diseases were analyzed.Results In Liaoning Province, the high risk group was the age of 25-44 years group(33.38%,57 151/171 219). Cases were mainly in summer(65.35%,111 896/171 219). The detection rate of Vibrio parahemolyticus(4.37%,867/19 845) was higher than the other pathogenic bacteria. Aquatic animals(19.86%,33 002/166 211), fruits(14.58%,24 239/166 211) and meat(12.59%,20 929/166 211) were the main suspected exposure foods. The most risky packaging was bulk food(41.79%, 70 941/169 743) and family was the most frequent place(70.65%,119 517/169 157). The main clinical symptoms were digestive system symptoms(98.55%,168 735/171 219) and diarrhea. Conclusion Liaoning Province should further improve the monitoring and reporting network of foodborne diseases, strengthen the surveillance of foodborne diseases among high-risk group, focus on the safety of seafood consumption, especially in summer, when making bulk seafood in families, and increase food safety and health education to avoid foodborne diseases.
作者 刁文丽 王凯琳 宋蕴奇 谢韬 DIAO Wenli;WANG Kailin;SONG Yunqi;XIE Tao(Liaoning Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Liaoning Shenyang 110005,China)
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期451-455,共5页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
基金 中央转移支付项目基本公共卫生服务项目(2019)。
关键词 食源性疾病 流行病学特征 疾病监测 Foodborne diseases epidemiological characteristics disease monitoring
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