

Study on Conductive Treatment of Silk Fibroin Modified PBT Fiber
摘要 探讨FeCl3浓度对基于聚吡咯制备的丝素蛋白改性PBT纤维导电性能的影响。以丝素蛋白改性PBT纤维为基材,利用FeCl3作为氧化剂、吡咯为导电材料,对丝素蛋白改性PBT纤维进行导电处理。结果表明:纤维表面生成的聚吡咯随着FeCl3浓度的增加而增多;纤维的增重率、电导率随着FeCl3溶液浓度的增加而增加。认为:丝素蛋白改性PBT纤维的导电处理不会对纤维的力学性能造成较大影响。 Effect of FeCl3 concentration on electrical conductivity of silk fibroin modified PBT fiber based on polypyrrole was discussed.Silk fibroin modified PBT fiber was used as base material,FeCl3 was used as oxidant and pyrrole was used as conductive material,conductive treatment was done on silk fibroin modified PBT fiber.The results showed that the polypyrrole generated on fiber surface was increased with the increase of FeCl3 concentration.Fiber weight gain rate and electrical conductivity was increased with the increase of FeCl3 concentration.It is considered that conductive treatment of silk fibroin modified PBT fiber will not cause a great effect on fiber mechanical property.
作者 吴楠 吴惠英 刘泽华 薛红茹 周燕 WU Nan;WU Huiying;LIU Zehua;XUE Hongru;ZHOU Yan(Suzhou Institute of Trade&Commerce,Suzhou,215009,China)
出处 《棉纺织技术》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第9期19-21,共3页 Cotton Textile Technology
基金 2017年江苏省高校优秀科技创新团队(苏教科〔2017〕6号) 2020江苏省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202012685003Y) 2018江苏高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养项目。
关键词 丝素蛋白 PBT纤维 导电纤维 聚吡咯 电导率 增重率 silk fibroin PBT fiber conductive fiber polypyrrole conductivity weight gain rate
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