

On Judicial Punishment of Wildlife Crime from the Perspective of Applying Ecological Restoration Disposal Measures
摘要 野生动物是极其重要的自然资源,是自然生态系统中不可或缺的组成部分。保护野生动物资源,对于保护生物多样性、维护区域生态平衡、促进人类可持续发展方面具有重要的价值。当前,我国野生动物犯罪司法惩治过于注重人类利益,选择性忽略了对受损野生动物族群的生态修复,致使现存野生动物数量日益减少,区域内物种多样性失衡。以自由刑与罚金刑为主要处罚结构的传统环境刑事司法面临着犯罪规制成效不明显,犯罪预防效果不佳的现实窘境。加强野生动物资源的司法修复是保护野生动物资源的重要手段。在新时代生态文明思想的指引下,野生动物犯罪司法惩治应当坚持节约优先、保护优先,自然恢复为主的原则,坚持系统保护思维和恢复性司法理念,在司法惩治中探索构建预防与修复并行的二元处置体系。在对犯罪人判处刑罚的同时辅以适用"植树造林""看护林地"等生态恢复性处置措施。以此既能促进对犯罪人的司法教化,又能保护并改善野生动物的生存环境。保护野生动物不再被猎杀并自我恢复到一定数量,实现犯罪惩治与生态修复的二元统一,为推进新时代生态文明建设和绿色发展提供坚强有力的司法服务和保障。 Wild animals,an indispensable part of the natural ecosystem,are extremely important natural resources.Protecting wild animal resources is of great value for protecting biodiversity,maintaining regional ecological balance and promoting sustainable human development.At present,the judicial punishment for wildlife crimes in China attaches too much importance to the interests of human beings and selectively ignores the ecological restoration of damaged wildlife populations,resulting in the decreasing wild animal numbers and an imbalance of species diversity in certain regions.The traditional judicial punishment for environmental crimes with imprisonment and fine penalty as the main penalty structure is currently in a predicament without obvious effects of criminal regulation enforcement and crime prevention.Strengthening the judicial improvement about wildlife resources is an important means of wildlife resources protection.Under the guidance of the ideology of ecological civilization in the new era,the judicial punishment of wildlife crimes should attach importance to economizing,protection and natural restoration.With the concepts of systemic protection and restorative justice,we should explore the construction of a dual disposal system involving prevention and restoration in judicial punishment.It is suggested that imposing penalties on the offender be supplemented by the application of ecological restoration measures such as"planting trees","nursing woodland"and etc.,so that the judicial education of the criminals is promoted and the living environment of wild animals is protected and improved.The unification of criminal punishment and ecological restoration can protect wild animals from being hunted and recover to a certain extent,providing judicial services and guarantees for the construction of ecological civilization and green development in the new era.
作者 唐亮 Tang Liang(School of Law,Guizhou University)
机构地区 贵州大学法学院
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2021年第4期58-69,共12页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 贵州省教育厅高校人文社会科学基地项目“西南山区环境犯罪惩治研究--恢复性司法在环境犯罪中的运用”(2018jd020)。
关键词 野生动物犯罪 司法惩治 生态恢复性处置措施 生态修复 环境资源 wildlife crime judicial punishment ecological restoration measures ecological restoration environmental resources
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