
中华剑艺的分层技术结构及传承发展研究 被引量:1

The Technical Hierarchy and Continued Development of Chinese Swordsmanship
摘要 为了更好地传承独具传统文化特色的中华剑艺,主要运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法对中华剑艺的分层技术结构及其传承发展进行了深入研究,研究结果:1)与国外同类技术相比,中华剑艺具有技法丰富、形式多元、以武入道的特点;2)目前其存在的主要问题是因缺乏系统化、体系化整理,而显得庞杂无序,使学习者无法分清主次,不知从何入手学习;3)新时代中华剑艺的传承发展亟需构建起以多层次技法为核心的技术体系,并提炼由此反映的剑文化。针对以上问题,在进一步研究的基础上得出结论:1)按照由简单到复杂、由低级到高级的发展逻辑,中华剑艺形成了4个层面的内容,即以简单实用的剑术技击方法构成的原始核心层、以大量预设性剑术技击方法构成的拓展延伸层、以具有阴阳互融特点的剑术技击方法构成的独树一帜层、以艺术表现和健身养生为价值取向的剑术技艺构成的虚拟技击层。通过剑术每一层面的技法都可以"以武入道",从而形成独具中华文化特色的剑文化。2)在当代社会,可在武术专业教育领域传承中华剑艺的完整技术体系,发挥其文化传承价值;在各级普通学校开展其核心层面的技法,以文明对抗形式实现其精神教育价值;在大众健身领域推广其缓慢柔和型的套路,实现其健身养生价值;在艺术表演领域开发其难美表现型套路,充分发挥其艺术审美价值。 In order to facilitate the continued development of traditional Chinese swordsmanship,this paper mainly adopts literature review,expert interview and logical analysis to fully study the technical hierarchy and continued development of Chinese swordsmanship. The research results are as follows:1)Compared with the swordsmanship abroad,Chinese swordsmanship is characterized by abundant techniques,diversified forms,and entering the Tao via martial arts. 2)At present,the main problem of Chinese swordsmanship is the lack of systematization,and learners are unable to distinguish priorities and don’t know where to start. 3)In the new era,for the continued development of swordsmanship,we need to build a technical system with multi-level techniques as the core,and refine the sword culture reflected thereby. Based on the above mentioned results,the following conclusions are drawn from further research:1)According to the development logic of"from simple to sophisticated"and"from basic to advanced",Chinese swordsmanship has formed four layers of content:the original core layer composed of simple and practical sword techniques,the extension layer composed of a large number of preset sword techniques,the unique layer composed of sword techniques integrating Yin and Yang,and the virtual layer composed of artistic expression and fitness and health. Via swordsmanship,learners at every level can enter Tao,thus forming a sword culture with unique Chinese cultural characteristics. 2)In contemporary society,the complete technical system of Chinese swordsmanship can be passed on in professional martial arts education,and its value as cultural heritage can be brought into play. Core techniques could be taught at ordinary schools at all levels to realize its value for moral education. In mass fitness,the slow and soft routines could be promoted to realize its fitness and health value. In artistic performance,its artistic expression style could be developed to give full play to its artistic and aesthetic value.
作者 冯香红 FENG Xiang-hong(School of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;Academic Affairs Office,Zibo Vocational Institute,Zibo 255314,Shandong China)
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第8期122-130,共9页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目“中华优秀传统武术剑文化的传承发展体系研究”(项目编号:18YJC890004)。
关键词 传统武术 中华剑艺 剑文化 分层技术结构 传承 发展 traditional martial arts Chinese swordsmanship sword culture technical hierarchy inheritance development
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