
历史制度主义视域下晚清民国时期校董会制度的立法进程 被引量:1

The Legislative Process of the School Board System in Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China in the View of Historical Institutionalism
摘要 晚清民国时期校董会制度经历了从清末民初的法外生存与制度失序,到北洋政府时期的进入立法与权力规范,再到广州、南京国民政府时期的立法强化与权力转向等发展阶段。校董会制度的教育立法进程受到制度来源、制度试验,以及国家战争、民族主义、教育经费、文化观念、教育权力等多重因素的交互作用,遵循着历史制度主义的路径依赖、断裂平衡原则,并借国家政治权力的介入,从民间试验走进国家立法,从制度失序走向制度规范,从制度危机走向制度平衡。晚清民国时期校董会制度的立法进程,实质是政府与学校、社会、教会等多元办学群体的一场教育权力博弈,并在学校所有权与治校权的离合之中,最终完成了校董会权力的合法性转向。 In late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China,the school board system experienced the lawlessness and system disorder,involving the period of no case filing in late Qing Dynasty and the education autonomy in early the Republic of China,the period of legislation and power regulation by Beiyang Government in 1920s,and the period of legislation enhancement and power transfer by Guangzhou and Nanjing National Governments.The birth and evolution of the educational legislation in the school board system were greatly influenced in the interaction of system source,system test,national war,nationalism,educational fund,cultural concept,education power,etc.,abiding by the principle of path dependency and punctuated equilibrium of historical institutionalism,and developed,with the help of national political power,from a folk system to national legislation,from system disorder to system regulation,and eventually from system crises to system balance.The legislative process of school board system in these periods is actually a game of the government and multiple school-running groups such as schools,communities and churches,which finally realized the legal transfer of the power of the school board.
作者 任小燕 REN Xiao-yan(School of Education Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2021年第5期68-78,共11页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题“学术史视野下的民国大学体制论争研究”(BOA190043) 江苏高校教育学优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)。
关键词 晚清民国 校董会制度 教育立法 历史制度主义 权力博弈 Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China the school board system education legislation historical institutionalism administrative power
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