
教师同步课堂教学能力框架研究 被引量:6

Research on Framework of Teachers'Synchronous Classroom Teaching Ability
摘要 同步课堂是利用信息化手段促进教育均衡和公平的重要举措。教师同步课堂教学能力不足,人们对教师同步课堂教学能力要求缺乏统一认识,制约同步课堂教学效果。研究运用文献、访谈、案例分析,德尔菲法以及层次分析法,构建了面向主讲教师和远端教师的同步课堂教学能力框架,框架包括“意识与态度”“协同备课”“协同教学”“协同评价反思”“技术环境应用”5个一级指标,其中,主讲教师能力框架又分为9个二级指标和19个三级指标,远端教师能力框架又可分为9个二级指标和18个三级指标。研究构建的教师同步课堂教学能力框架对提升教师同步课堂教学能力培训的针对性,促进主讲和远端教师的有效协同,改善同步课堂教学效果,加快实现教育均衡和教育公平,均具有重要的指导意义。 Synchronous classroom is an important measure to promote educational fairness and equity by using technology in classrooms.The Insufficient teachers'abilities in synchronous classroom teaching and the lack of common understanding of teachers'abilities in synchronous classroom teaching restrains the effectiveness of synchronous classroom teaching.Based on literature review,interviews,case studies,Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process,this study constructs a framework of teachers'abilities of teaching synchronous classes for both the host and the remote teachers.The framework includes five first-level indicators:"awareness and attitude","collaborative lesson planning","collaborative teaching","collaborative evaluation and reflection"and"technology environment use".Among them,the framework for the host teachers includes 9 second-level indicators and 19 third-level indicators.The framework for the remote teachers includes 9 second-level indicators and 18 third-level indicators.The framework is important in improving the training of teachers'abilities in synchronous classroom teaching,as well as in promoting effective collaboration between the host and the remote teachers,improving the effectiveness of synchronous classroom teaching,and accelerating the achievement of educational fairness and equity.
作者 杨丽勤 郭炯 姚亚杰 YANG Liqin;GUO Jiong;YAO Yajie(School of Education Science,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen Shanxi 041000;School of Educational Technology,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou Gansu 730070)
出处 《电化教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第9期115-121,共7页 E-education Research
基金 2021年全国教育科学规划国家一般课题“基于双师课堂的乡村教师专业发展路径研究”(课题编号:BCA210088)。
关键词 同步课堂 协同备课 协同教学 协同评价反思 能力框架 Synchronous Classroom Collaborative Lesson Planning Collaborative Teaching Collaborative Evaluation and Reflection Ability Framework
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