

Research on the Impact of Government Regulations on Pricing Decisions in Closed-loop Supply Chains with Different Power Structures
摘要 考虑政府规制(碳减排技术补贴、碳税政策)和供应链的市场权力结构,构建制造商与零售商权力相当、制造商主导和零售商主导的三类不同权力结构下零售商回收的闭环供应链模型,分析比较了碳减排技术补贴、碳税、社会责任投入量敏感系数以及参照价格对不同权力结构下闭环供应链的影响。研究结果表明:(1)三种不同权力结构下,产品的批发价和零售价随着碳减排技术补贴的增大而减小,制造商和零售商利润随着碳减排技术补贴的增大而增大,而碳税的作用正好相反。(2)政府规制政策(碳减排技术补贴、碳税)的实施对不同权力结构下闭环供应链的影响程度不同,随着制造商(零售商)市场权力的增大,政府规制政策的实施对批发价格(零售价格和零售商社会责任投入量)的影响程度越小,对零售价格和零售商社会责任投入量(批发价格)的影响程度越大,对制造商(零售商)自身利润的影响程度越大。(3)三种不同权力结构下,产品零售价、零售商社会责任投入量、制造商和零售商利润均与社会责任投入量敏感系数和参照价格的大小正相关。(4)制造商和零售商均在各自占主导地位时收益最高,供应链总利润在集中决策模型中最高,在零售商占主导地位时最低。最后,通过数值仿真分析,验证了模型的有效性。 Considering the government regulation(carbon emission reduction technology subsidy,carbon tax policy)and the market power structure of the supply chain,this paper constructs the closed-loop supply chain mod⁃el of retailer recovery under the three different power structures of equal power of manufacturers and retailers,manu⁃facturer dominant-power and retailer dominant-power,and analyzes and compares the effects of carbon emission re⁃duction technology subsidy,carbon tax,social responsibility input volume sensitivity coefficient,manufacturers’low-carbon level and reference price on the closed-loop supply chain under different power structures.The re⁃search results show:(1)Under three different power structures,the wholesale price and retail price of products de⁃crease with the increase of carbon emission reduction technology subsidies,and the profit of manufacturers and re⁃tailers increases with the increase of carbon emission reduction technology subsidies,while the effect of carbon tax is just the opposite(2)The implementation of the government regulation policy(carbon emission reduction technolo⁃gy subsidies,carbon tax)has different degrees of influence on the closed-loop supply chain under different power structures,in which the implementation of the government regulation policy has a decreasing influence degree for wholesale price(retail price and retailer input volume to social responsibility),an increasing influence degree on re⁃tail price and retailer input volume to social responsibility(wholesale price),and an increasing influence degree on the manufacturers’(retailers’)own profit with the increase of the manufacturer(retailer)market power(3)Under three different power structures,product retail prices,retailer input volume to social responsibility,manufacturer and retailer profit all are positively correlated with the sensitivity coefficient of social responsibility input and refer⁃ence prices(4)Both the manufacturer and the retailer have the highest profit when they are dominant respectively,the total profit of the supply chain is the highest in the centralized decision model and the lowest when the retailer is dominant.Finally,the effectiveness of the model is verified by numerical simulation.
作者 史成东 刘飞 SHI Cheng-dong;LIU Fei
出处 《经济论坛》 2021年第8期43-55,共13页 Economic Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(20BGL017) 山东省社会科学规划研究项目(19CDNJ10) 山东省教育厅高等学校科研发展计划重点项目(J18RZ006) 淄博市校城融合发展计划项目(2019ZBXC100)。
关键词 闭环供应链 政府规制 权力结构 企业社会责任 供应链决策 Closed-loop supply chain Government regulation Power structure Corporate social responsibili⁃ty Supply chain decision-making
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