
河北省金融支持科技创新现状及对策研究 被引量:3

Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Financial Support for Sci-tech Innovation in Hebei Province
摘要 科技创新能力是衡量一个地区发展潜力的重要依据,是第一生产力,在河北省产业转型升级的过程中,科技创新能力是河北省未来高质量发展的重要保证。金融对产业转型和升级以及地区科技创新能力的提升具有催化剂的作用,而金融对科技创新支持的主要落脚点在企业,本文构建了金融支持科技创新的机制,以金融支持科技创新机制为基础对河北省的科技创新现状和金融支持现状进行对比分析,研究如何实现金融对科技创新能力提升的有效支持,提升河北省整体科技创新能力。 Sci-tech innovation ability is an important basis for measuring the development potential of a region,and science and technology is a first productive force.With the advancement of the elimination of capacity of pro⁃duction,Hebei Province gradually turns toward a high-quality development,and subsequently comes into industrial transformation and upgrading,and takes over high-tech enterprises from Beijing;consequently,sci-tech innovation ability has a bearing on whether Hebei Province can successfully take over high-tech enterprises overflowing from Beijing,and also is an important guarantee for the future high-quality development of Hebei Province.As the blood of modern economy and the lubricant of economic development,finance plays a catalytic role in the industrial trans⁃formation and upgrading and improvement of regional sci-tech innovation ability.The main foothold of financial sup⁃port for sci-tech innovation lies in enterprises,and focusing on enterprises in the research of financial factors to sup⁃port sci-tech innovation ability is favorable for making targeted policies to apply financial means in allocating finan⁃cial resources so as to realize effective financial support for improvement of sci-tech innovation ability and thus heighten the overall sci-tech innovation ability of Hebei Province.This paper makes an overall consideration of mar⁃ket players’role in sci-tech innovation,takes theories of financial development and theories of technological inno⁃vation as the theoretical basis of research,constructs a mechanism of financial support for sci-tech innovation,and conducts a comparative analysis of the current situation of sci-tech innovation and financial support in Hebei Prov⁃ince based on the mechanism of financial support for sci-tech innovation.
作者 王晓翌 纪世乾 WANG Xiao-yi;JI Shi-qian
出处 《经济论坛》 2021年第8期114-124,共11页 Economic Forum
基金 河北省2020年创新能力提升计划软科学研究专项“河北省县域经济科技创新能力研究——基于四种经济发展模式的分析”(205576110D)。
关键词 河北省 金融支持 科技创新 Hebei Province Financial support Sci-tech innovation
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