The "ethical turn" in documentary research is a documentary theory emerged in the West at the turn of the century. Erenow, there had already been some controversy concerning the "objectivity" of documentary-in-itself in the West. Some believe there is no "objectivity" in documentaries, while the "ethical turn" believes that how to treat an individual is the key issue of documentaries, and criticizes traditional documentaries, attempts to re-define and re-plan documentary. Arisen from post-modernist ideologies, such a documentary theory ignores the publicity of documentary, vigorously advocates individualism, corresponds to post-modernist’s "endism", includes feature film, animation, experimental film and video and TV entertainment program into the range of documentary research, tries to deconstruct and reconstruct "documentary". To understand the "ethical turn" in documentary research on the essential level, is the unavoidable responsibility of today’s Chinese documentary researchers.
Journalism Research